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Parent Counsel
Understanding and Supporting Children’s Behavioral Development: A Balanced Approach
Is It Okay to Let a Baby Cry to Sleep? Islamic Perspective & Practical Tips
Pre-Natal Care: Emphasizing the Role of the Father in Interfaith Marriages
Addressing Teen Stealing: A Guide for Parents Rooted in Understanding, Sharia Solutions, and Positive Action
Struggling with Cultural Identity: A Young Muslim’s Plea and a Compassionate Perspective
When Your Child Rejects Islam: A Guide for Muslim Parents
Islamic Parenting: Guiding Our Daughters in a Challenging World
Navigating Family Challenges: Upholding Islamic Values in Modern Life
How Can a Student overcome Procrastination?
Raising a Child with Islamic Values in a Non-Islamic Environment
Understanding and Caring for a Child with ADHD
Parents forcing daughter not to wear Hijab
What to tell kids when they ask, “where does Allah live?”
Encouraging daughters to wear Hijab
How to help our kids overcome fear
Tips to help on weaning
Teaching Teenagers: Understand and Encourage
How should new muslim Parents deal with their non-Muslim kids
Protecting children from internet abuse
Protecting our children from the evils of media
Meaning of the name Zain
Teenage child saying ”I hate you” to parents
Nightmares of the young
Children with dyslexia
What children should do when parents quarrel at home
Is “Samia” a Semetic name, Hebrew, or Arab?
Aborting pregnancy due to close age gap
Improving Parent-Child Relations
Inter-cultural marriage and parents’ consent
How to enjoy motherhood: tips & activities
A child doing `umrah
Why Hijab ?
What is the Optimum Age to Have Kids?
A Guide to Supporting Your Child’s Early Journey with Islam: Hijab, Prayer, and Fasting
Why are Some children Gifted More Than Others?
Navigating the Challenges of Fatherhood: A Guide for New Dads
Creating a Calm and Balanced Home for Mothers Facing Stress
How do parents enact discipline?
Obedience to parents and entering Jannah
Obedience to Parent
Reward of Bringing up 3 Daughters and Marrying Them
Parents forcing Hijab on daughters.
Spending on Children equally, or gender based?
Immigration to a non-Muslim country and child upbringing
Coping with the Loss of children
Daughter Refusing to Wear Hijab: What to Do?
Child upbringing and protecting them from the Impurity of the West
Running out of milk for breastfeeding
Washing lingerie in front of children
The Golden Rule on sweets between parents and children.
Offering Prayer with an Audible Voice to Teach Children How to Pray
Parents Objection to One’s Choice of a Spouse
Sexual Intercourse with a Child Inside the Room
How Long Can One Give `Aqeeqah After the Baby Is Born?
Naming One’s Child Iman
Giving Prophetic Names to Newly Born Babies
Are Children’s Cartoons Prohibited?
When is life breathed into the foetus?
`Abd al Hadi or, Al Hadi?
The Otherside of Pregnancy
Islamic Upbringing of Children
Man’s Duties Towards Parents
Giving a Piece of Land to One Child
Being Just Among Children: How?
Monthly Payment for kids from the government
What should kids do while parents are fighting, arguing and being abusive to each other?
Obtaining Parents’ Permission to Participate in Jihad
Does Husband’s Abuse Affect the Children?
Can I Name My Child Jibreel?
Co-Educational Virtues
Is having a male teacher for daughters permissible?
Can Teenagers Leave Parents’ House at 18?
Teaching Daughters About Menstruation
Morally Safe Summer for Adolescents
Taking Money Without Father’s Knowledge
Parents Forcing Their Son to Choose a Certain Field of Study
Treating Girls Differently
Parents Taking their Children to Summer Camps
Can Muslim Parents Force Hijab on Daughters?
Individual and Parental Responsibility
Discrimination against Daughters: Islamic View
Dad Says I Should Divorce My Wife: Should I Obey Him?
Favouritism in Treating Kids
Introducing Hajj to young Students
When Our kids want to See Allah
Parent-Daughter Relationship
Masturbation or Premarital Sex: Which Is Worse?
Pokemon Games
Parents Facilitating Their Children’s Marriages
Parents’ Refusal of Their Son’s Choice of Wife
Inviting children’s non-muslim friends for Iftar
Children studying in Ramadan
Teaching children what Ramadan is all about.
Creating a happy environment during Ramadan
When Should Children Be Encouraged to Fast?
Introducing Ramadan to children
Ramadan and Children’s Inferiority Feelings
should kids fast during exam time in Ramadan?
When a Child Finds Ramadan Painful
Introducing Ramadan to Children
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