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Hajj and Umrah
Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
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Muslim Family Laws and Marriage
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Ethics and Moral conducts
Should muslims emigrate from non-Muslim countries?
Masturbation: Islamic View
Is fatness a sin?
Greetings exchange between males and females
Can a Muslim work as a police officer?
Attending Christmas with non-Muslim relatives
Making Du`a’ for non-Muslim relatives
Eating food made by non-Muslims
Marrying a Mennonite Christian
Are women who just gave birth in the category of the sick?
Union Jack Flag on Cars and Shirts
Sunni Muslim Praying Behind Shiite
Using parent’s haram income to go on Hajj and `Umrah
Taking a person of the opposite sex as a close friend
Muslim entering other religions’ places of worship
Killing an animal in an accident
Asking about sizes of a prospective spouse
Prayer while traveling by air
After performing Hajj: still insisting on zina
Is earning from military job considered halal for going to Hajj?
Is Tourism in Muslim Countries Prohibited?
POWs displayed: juristic & legal view
Performing Hajj while working as Hajj assistant
Travelling to reside in non-Muslim countries
Travelling of a woman to give birth without the husbands consent
Divorce of the drunk person
Bleaching the eyebrow
Discrimination Against New Converts
Can an Expected Wife Be a Girlfriend?
A Depressed and Traumatized Lady in a Foreign Land
Working in a Place that Sells Pork and Liquor
The ‘magic’ on the Messenger and the infallibility of the prophets
Celebrating Birthdays With non-Muslim Family
Reading or Surfing the net during Work Hours
The Controversy Over Visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque: A Religious Perspective
The believer is not one who is shameless and obscene
Mahram Relations in this World and in the Hereafter
Du`aa’ for a Non-Muslim Sick
Selling food to disbelievers during Ramaḍān
Child Sexual Abuse
Repentance in Islam: Finding Forgiveness After Committing Major Sins
Woman Showing Cleavage Among Women
Rulings on eating before eid al fitr and changing of route
Giving Gifts to Non-Muslims on Their Religious Holidays
Hitting a Non-Muslim for Insulting Islam
Developing Software for Insurance Companies and Banks
Laughing at Sexual Jokes
Juristic View on Attacking Temples and Churches
Clothes made from pig skin
Coping with Wet Dreams
Working as a Genetic Counselor
Helping other students do assignments for money.
Meeting People With a Smiling Face
Women Party on the Night of `Eidul-Fitr
Preserved Tablet and the 15th of Sha’ban
Making Du`a’ Against Non-Muslims
Praiseworthy Shyness in Islam
Voting for a Party That Permits Gay Marriage
The saying of Karrama llahu Wajhahu (may Allah exalt his face)at the mention of Ali’s name may Allah be pleased with him
Stealing goods online
How Should We Observe Laylat Al-Qadr?
The Rights of Prisoners of War: A Comparative Analysis of International Law and Islamic Shari`ah
New Muslims: Should They Offer `Aqeeqah?
Entering the Bathroom with Rings Carrying Allah’s Name
Wearing Amulets
Reminder for the sick to repent and write a will
How to Seek Peace and Blessings for the Prophet (PBUH)
Distortions about the Marriages of the Prophet (PBUH)
How to Give up Masturbation?
Writing Fiction & Poetry: What Does Islam Say?
Cooperating with Non-Muslims in Fighting Evil
Honor Killing from an Islamic Perspective
Hijab and Practicing Sports in Mixed Schools
Boss-Employee Relationship
Dealing with people from other faiths
Bringing clients to product functions including wine
Wife mixing with and serving Husband’s guests
Working in a Bank in IT Sector
Scholars debate on shortening prayer while traveling
Male and Female Love for Allah’s Sake, Possible?
Clipping Fingernails
Wedding Parties With Alcohol
How to Deal With Insults at the Street
Leading a High Class Life: Haram?
Having a Strong Character
Are Muslims permitted to work in a non-Muslim countries’ weapon creation?
How to Overcome Shyness
Being a Good Model in patience and behaviour
Creating website for a real estate agent
Women nursing male Patients
Accepting job offer without interviews with other seekers, permissible?
Will salary be haram, if one cheated during study?
How to Purify Oneself from the Sin of Slandering Others
Accepting Gifts from Employers
Sharing a Table in Which Wine Is Served
Stealing From Non-Muslims
Relationship Between People of the Opposite Sex
Praising Others in Islam
Working for Investment Companies in the West
Washing Glasses in Which Alcohol Is Drunk, as a job.
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