A true Muslim, as the infallible Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, can never be a slanderer, a curser, an indecent, or an abusive person. Muslims should follow Islamic teachings in dealing with each other and also when dealing with those adopting different beliefs, for Islam is free from such insults and abuses.

In this regard it is worth quoting the Prophetic hadith that reads: “One may utter a word without thinking whether it is right or wrong, which causes him to sink in the Hellfire to a distance farther than that which is between the east and the west.” The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said, “One may utter a word which pleases Allah without thinking it could reach what it has reached, and with which Allah destines for him to be in Allah’s pleasure until he meets Him (on the Day of Judgment). And (on the contrary) one may utter a word which displeases Allah without thinking it could reach what it has reached, and with which Allah destines for him to be under Allah’s wrath until he meets Him.”

Guided by what is mentioned above, we can say that it is better to avoid those people who hail insults at us as getting yourself involved in a mud-slinging match is not in our favour at all. In addition, we should try our best to be a good ambassador to Islam by advising those people to be good citizens and to avoid their bad behaviour. In case there is no way out to face the threat of those people personally, then we think that reporting the case to the police is the best solution. By all means and under all circumstances, you should not give those people the chance to embezzle you and get your money illegally.