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Directing the Muslim to what benefits him from the rulings of God Almighty and His Messenger in matters of religion and this world.
Recent posts
Understanding and Supporting Children’s Behavioral Development: A Balanced Approach
Is It Okay to Let a Baby Cry to Sleep? Islamic Perspective & Practical Tips
Pre-Natal Care: Emphasizing the Role of the Father in Interfaith Marriages
Addressing Teen Stealing: A Guide for Parents Rooted in Understanding, Sharia Solutions, and Positive Action
Struggling with Cultural Identity: A Young Muslim’s Plea and a Compassionate Perspective
When Your Child Rejects Islam: A Guide for Muslim Parents
Islamic Parenting: Guiding Our Daughters in a Challenging World
Navigating Family Challenges: Upholding Islamic Values in Modern Life
Ruling on medicine which contain some amount of alcohol
How Can a Student overcome Procrastination?
Supplication for Guidance
Raising a Child with Islamic Values in a Non-Islamic Environment
Top Reading
How Late Can Tahajjud Prayer be performed
Is Women’s I`tikaf at Home Permissible?
Means of Enhancing Faith in the Last Third of Ramadan
Offering Tahajjud Without Sleeping
When does one stop eating during suhur (pre-dawn meal)?
How Should We Observe Laylat Al-Qadr?
Vaginal Discharges While Fasting
Signs of the Day of Judgment: Past, Present & Future
Intending to Travel: When to Not Fast?
Devils Are Chained in Ramadan: Why Do People Sin?
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How to stop Anti-Islamism in non-Muslim countries
Can Jihad be offensive?
Islam is not a Tribal Religion
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When Some Non-Muslims Raise Anti-Allah Remarks
Drawing living creatures: allowed?
Writing songs earnings, Valid or not?
Islam’s stance on music
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Praying in front of a picture
Ethics and Moral conducts
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Abode of sinful Muslims in the Hereafter
Barnaba’s Gospel, is it authentic?
Having non-Muslim friends from the opposite sex
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Du`aa to overcome family problems
How do deal with an alcoholic parent as an adult?
Kissing nephews/nieces: Permissible?
what comes first: obeying husband or dad?
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New Muslims: Should Hijab be an obstacle?
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Giving the reward of righteous deeds to the deceased
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Making Dhikr and Gifting Reward to Another Person
Making Du`a’ for a christian parent who died by suicide
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Honoring the Prophet
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Authenticity of the Hadith of a Jew harassing the Prophet
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Influential Persons
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The story of suckling Salim by Sahla
Izz al-Din ibn Abdul Salam
The saying of Karrama llahu Wajhahu (may Allah exalt his face)at the mention of Ali’s name may Allah be pleased with him
Biography of Sheikh Muhammad Metwally Al-Shaarawi
Islamic Creed
Abode of sinful Muslims in the Hereafter
The difference between nabi andrasool
How to attain Jannat Al-Firdaws
Du`aa’ for getting rizq and getting no or negative answers
Allah testing or punishing muslims?
Medical and Scientific Issues
Ruling on medicine which contain some amount of alcohol
Plucking one’s eyebrows, as a man.
Using nail polish
Using perfumes that contain alcohol, allowed or not?
Men wearing silver and platinum rings
Women entering prayer room during her menses
Displaying Ads in the Mosque
Women Praying in an Open Space
Mosques in Islam: An Integrated Role
Women and Prayer at Mosques
Muslim Family Laws
Spending on parents
Girls sending pictures of themselves to people who want to marry them
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Taking permission from the female adult in the marriage contract
Seeking Worldly Characteristics in a Fiancé and Fiancée
Muslim Woman
Using nail polish
Are women regarded as source of seduction in Islam?
Months-long menstruation and prayer
Women entering prayer room during her menses
Rules for women traveling abroad to study
Parent Counsel
Understanding and Supporting Children’s Behavioral Development: A Balanced Approach
Is It Okay to Let a Baby Cry to Sleep? Islamic Perspective & Practical Tips
Pre-Natal Care: Emphasizing the Role of the Father in Interfaith Marriages
Addressing Teen Stealing: A Guide for Parents Rooted in Understanding, Sharia Solutions, and Positive Action
Struggling with Cultural Identity: A Young Muslim’s Plea and a Compassionate Perspective
Pregnancy and Abortion
Aborting a foetus plagued with a fatal disease
Non-Married pregnant woman and abortion
Aborting baby with down’s syndrome
Aborting foetus if it is proven it carries thalassemia major gene
Abortion and Close Pregnancies
Principles and Objectives of Fiqh
Concept of Equality in law of killing in Islam
Muslims’ Participation in Political Life: A Comprehensive Islamic Perspective
Keeping birds as pets, permissible?
Waxing one’s chest and back as a man
Are women regarded as source of seduction in Islam?
Punishment for rape
Laws dealing with raped women
Punishment for Zina: Can It Be Replaced?
Should the Adulteress Observe `Iddah?
Punishment for Rape in the Qur’an
Qur’an silent recitation, what does it mean?
The Prophet’s reading of the Qur’an, while some verses say he cannot read or write
Pronoun ‘He’ Referring to Allah
Qur’anic Rules of Inheritance: Do They Involve Mathematical Errors?
Abrogation in the Qur’an
Quran and Hadith
Ruling on a woman boarding a vehicle alone with a non-mahram driver
Adhering to the Sunnah During Times of Evil and Tribulation
Different Interpretations of the Qur’an and Hadith
The Islamic utmost attention to body and mind
Hadith About Women Attaining Perfection
Time for Breaking the Fast
The Time of Imsak
Pills to Delay Menstruation During Ramadan
Frequent Bleeding and Fasting
Does Delaying Ghusl Until Morning Nullify the Fast?
The saying of Karrama llahu Wajhahu (may Allah exalt his face)at the mention of Ali’s name may Allah be pleased with him
Separation between Religion and Life
Religious Freedom: IFA’s Resolution
Islam & Freedom of Belief
The Spirit in Qur’an and Christianity
Sects and Religions
Converting from Shi`i to Sunni madhhab
Getting married to a shi`i man
Preaching and Tabligh
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Seeking Knowledge
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Is studying Sonography Haram?
Use of imaginary witches and wizards for children
Student loans with an interest rate linked to inflation
When study leaves no time for worship
The Remembrance of Allah
Shari`ah texts on Muslims declining faith
Calling to the remembrance of Allah through text messages
Exercising Meditation Techniques to Calm Down
Is making tasbih without wudu’ permissible?
Reward for Reciting the Names of Allah a Number of Times
Slaughtering one animal for both vow and ‘udhya
Vowing to Read the Qur’an Every Day During Pregnancy
Expiation for Breaking a Vow
Hajj in Fulfillment of a Vow Before Performing Obligatory Hajj
How to Fulfill a Vow
Walking past the meeqaat during Hajj or Umrah
How to overcome waswasah
Does not wearing hijab affect Wudu’?
Giving entire Zakah money to a needy family member
The day of At-Tarwiyah
Ablution With the Make-up Covering the Woman’s Face
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