
Marrying a Mennonite Christian

Assalamu Alaykum.  May Allah (SWT) bless you for this wonderful service.  I will try to be brief.My newphew is marrying a mennonite this fall.  This has caused quite a stir in the family as she is not converting and this is okay with my nephew .  However, we have accepted her at family gatherings and will pray for her reversion while trying to do da'wa (when and if we are given the opportunity).My brother and his wife will be having an elaborate wedding for them (over 300 people).  I have told my parents (the groom's grandparents) that I will not attend as I cannot morally celebrate my nephew marrying a non-muslim.  I also have to be an example for my own sons that this will be unacceptable to me if they follow the same path.  I do not want to be a hyprocrite to them i.e. "do as I say, not as I do".  My parents are insisting that I attend.  If I do not, I am sure that the relations with my brother's family will be completely cut off as they have expressed this to everyone in the famil.  However, I feel that is the price that may have to be paid to stand up for my principles and deen, and as a parent.The wedding will be mixed with music and dancing - I cannot use this as an excuse not to attend as the last wedding I attended was of this nature.  Please advise me what to do - will I be disobeying my parents if I do not attend or will I be gaining the favour of Allah (SWT) and setting my children on the right path?  I do not want to displease my elderly parents, but I fear that my children's future is at stake.Also, there are unconfirmed rumours (which I will bring up with my brother shortly) that her 'pastor' will "bless" the marriage.  Might I add that the local Imam will not officiate at their wedding.  We hear that an "imam" without proper certification to marry people in Canada will do the "nikah".  We have no idea about the civil ceremony.Forgive me for the length of this question.  I am eagerly waiting for your reply.Jazakum Allahu Kheiren.

Making Du`a’ Against Non-Muslims

Assalamu alaykumMy problem is that I can´t understand the world and it´s people. Firstly I want to admit that I hate this world, too many problems,etc. and I always say like Omar ibn al Khattab: I wished my mother would never have born me. So but now I am here and I can´t change it, so I must do the best for my life, for my religion, for humanity. But the other problem that stays in front of me are the people of the earth. I don´t understand them and I don´t know how to handle with them and what to do for them. I will explain what I mean by this. It is so that I love every human being whether Muslim, non - Muslim, male, female, black or white. I love everyone, even those I do not know (personally) and even those who fight Muslims, because I believe that every human being is not bad and has a good side but is like every human with mistakes - some commit minor, some grave mistakes. And there was also a sahabi or a tab´i who said: I love three kinds of human beings...I love those who love me. I love those who hate me. and I love those whom I don´t matter.Sharon is in our eyes now a bad person, but I hate this when scholars, people say: May Allah let Sharon be in the hellfire. May Sharon not have a good life. I think this in not good. It would be better and greater to say: May Allah guide Sharon the right way. May Allah guide Sharon to peace. May Allah forgive Sharon. I mean what will we win if Sharon is in hellfire or when he has a bad life. Nothing....but we will gain more and more, if he is a good person. And this is not only for Sharon, but for every people Bush, Blair, Britney Spears,etc Britney Spears is always nearlly nude when she sings - but what will we gain if we say May Allah let her be in hellfire. NOTHING. It would be better and greater to say: May Allah guide her the right way. So this is my first problem that I hate it when human beings criticise each other or  wish for the others bad things. Why can´t we wish for all people the best. Why can´t we pray and make du´aa: Oh Allah let all people (Jews -Christians - Atheists - Hindus,etc.) become Muslims and peaceful people. Why don´t we make this du´aa instead of Oh Allah destroy the jews - hindus - Americans,etc. Sometimes when I see news - Palestine, Afghanistan,etc I really get angry and think Muslims should unite and take revenge. But then I say no this is not the solution - not all Americans, people of the West are bad....they are not guilty...why then fight them and it´s difficult to make differences between the good and the bad "enemies". I mean I ask this - because I lived a long time in Europe and in the U.S - and had many friends and knew many people - many of them were really great and so I learned also how non-Muslims think about life,politics,etc. SO I find this really unfair when scholars or people say: we are in paradise - they are in hell. we should make du´aa for them and the best for them to bring them to Islam. Then we will gain much more compared when some people go to hell. 

Does the Qur’an Teach Hostility Against Non-Muslims?

Dear Scholars,Assalamu ?alaykum,The Jews and Christians are called kufaar in the Holy Qur?an because of some of their beliefs and actions. However, the way some scholars and writers frequently use the word nowadays connotes hatred, hostility and killing of innocent Christians. In some countries, whenever there is a misunderstanding between Muslims and Christians, Christians will be killed and there churches will be burnt or destroyed and the Christians usually retaliate inflicting higher casualty on the Muslims.Some of us think that we Muslims should respect the places of worship of the Jews and the Christians and their life even though they are kufaar. Some people have called our attention to some comments of some of our respected Scholars; for example:1. Sheikh Ibn Taimiyah was reported to have said: "[The following is] a disbeliever: Whoever believes that churches are the houses of Allah in which He is worshipped or who thinks that what the Jews and Christians do are valid acts of worship of Allah and obedience to Him and His Messenger, or loves or approves of what they do, or aids them in having such places and establishing their religion, and he does so thinking that is a way of getting closer to Allah or worshipping Allah."But we read in the Holy Qur?an: "(They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right (for no cause) except that they say "Our Lord is Allah. "Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another there would surely have been pulled down monasteries churches synagogues and mosques in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid His (cause); for verily Allah is Full of Strength Exalted in Might (Able to enforce His Will)" Q22:40.Some of us think that ?Whoever believes that churches are the houses of Allah in which He is worshipped? may be responsible for the burning and destruction of Churches whenever there are misunderstanding between Muslims and Christians in some countries.Are there any instances in the past (during the time of the salaf) when Muslims destroyed the places of worship of the Jews and Christians when they conquered their lands? Please explain the meaning of the statement in relation to the verse.2. Some Muslims think fighting and killing non-Muslims is allowed because Allah says: ?Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth [i.e. Islam] from those who were given the Scripture ? [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.? Q9:29.What should be our understanding of the above verse now that the Muslim countries are weak and Islam has spread all over the world and Muslims are the minority in many Non-Muslim countries? Are Al-Qaeda members and their supporters following verse Q9:29? Is there any Muslim country nowadays where jizyah is collected from non-Muslims? If no, why?May Allah reward you abundantly for your answers.