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Discover Islam
My Journey to Islam
Understanding Islam
Islamic Teachings
About Muhammad
A Mercy for All
His Life
His Legacy
His Manners
Prophet Hijrah
Hadith & Its Science
Tazkiyah – Purification
Sports in islam
Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj
The Qur’an
Influential Persons
Hajj and Umrah
Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
Purity and Prayer
Charity (Zakah)
Muslim Family Laws and Marriage
Foods and Drinks
Islamic Morals and conducts
Islamic Creed
Holy Quran
Contact US
Ethics and Moral conducts
Types of promises
Masturbating in order to avoid zina (fornication)
Abode of sinful Muslims in the Hereafter
Barnaba’s Gospel, is it authentic?
Having non-Muslim friends from the opposite sex
Admiring or Idolizing a Person
Entering non-Muslim places of worship
Writing songs earnings, Valid or not?
Burying hair and nails in soil: necessary?
How to overcome hardships
Men and women sharing meals
Indulging in the life of this world
Men wearing silver and platinum rings
Working as a software developer for firms involved with interest-based companies
Islamic code of practice for Muslim journalists
Rules for women traveling abroad to study
Selling Adult DVDs
Swimming at the beach with the family
Seeking help from a non-Muslim
Working in and earning income from bank
Pictures on babies’ clothes & beddings
Day dreaming and sexual fantasies
Can a Muslim travel to fight with oppressed Muslims?
Jum`ah Prayer in the West & Work Pressure: Any Solution?
How do deal with an alcoholic parent as an adult?
Loving an opposite gender without the intention to marry
Can a husband prevent his wife from receiving her non-Muslim friends?
Taking an unbeliever’s word that the food is halal
Migrating or staying to take care of non-Muslim parents: which is better?
Talking with members of the opposite sex
Muslim cooking pork for a non-Muslim family/relative
The fiqh of shortening and combining prayers while traveling
Bounteous Increase in the Repayment of Debt
Muslims’ role in caring for tsunami orphans
Pro-Palestinian rally from shari`ah perspective
Muslim Participation in the Political Scene in non-Muslim countries
Activities for Western Muslim Youth in Summer
Muslim and Non-Muslim Armies Helping Each Other
Detention of foreigners by resistance groups
Muslims supported and maintained by non-Muslims
Supplying foreign troops fighting in Muslim country
Working in a place where something Haram Is dealt with
When one’s feelings are hurt by others
Being a translator for foreign troops in an Islamic country: Permissible?
Voting in a majority non-Muslim Country
Muslims and the task of maintaining the status quo
Can oppressed Muslims leave non-muslim countries?
Tips to face the Hijab ban in non-Muslim countries
Reading horror novels
Methods of choosing khilafah of the Ummah
Sending Udhiyah to Gaza: Valid?
Unlawful food delivery for non-Muslims
Is getting a job a necessity for wearing a wig
Kissing nephews/nieces: Permissible?
Dinner with Infidel Qadiani
Sunni and Shi`i Code of Honor
Cyber Sex & Zina
Repentance Requirements
Can women have special celebration on the night of the `Eid
Conducting farewell party for non-Muslim pilgrims
Keeping trousers above the ankles
Being in a country where hijab is not welcomed
Does extreme shyness make life dysfunctional?
Being a special agent for non-Muslim countries
Asking a prospective spouse about previous marriage
Chatting online with opposite gender just to pass time
Working as a male nurse
Telling a woman “I Love You for the Sake of Allah”
How to compensate a person for an injustice
Offering prayer in presence of non-Muslims
Working as a judge in a secular Country
Female ophthalmic optician touching man’s face
How to help a close friend with drinking problem?
Visiting relatives who indulge in backbiting
Wearing and praying with “Planet Hollywood” t-shirt
Giving a gift containing non-Islamic symbols
Flirting with people in the virtual life
How to repent of cursing a person wrongfully
Calling teddy bears after prophets’ names
Indulging in this worldly life
Why one’s faith decreases
Having sexual thoughts and feelings
Marrying a catholic woman
Big Bang Theory
Gaza holocaust: muslims’ duties?
Using applications to spy on other people
Determining the date of Eid Al-Adha
Having mascot resembling half-camel and half-deer
Building a church in Saudi Arabia
Cheating at work
Getting married to a woman who committed adultery
Fight ethics between Islam and Zionism
Are Muslims terrorism threat in non-muslim countries?
Working in a non-muslim country
Effect of unconscious homosexuality on nikah
Living in a non-Muslim country
The cause of serial killing
Scholars’ opinion on the phenomenon of the turin shroud
Lack of understanding in multifaith communities, how to overcome differences?
Reporting a friend dealing with drugs to the police
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