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My Journey to Islam
Understanding Islam
Islamic Teachings
About Muhammad
A Mercy for All
His Life
His Legacy
His Manners
Prophet Hijrah
Hadith & Its Science
Tazkiyah – Purification
Sports in islam
Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj
The Qur’an
Influential Persons
Hajj and Umrah
Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
Purity and Prayer
Charity (Zakah)
Muslim Family Laws and Marriage
Foods and Drinks
Islamic Morals and conducts
Islamic Creed
Holy Quran
Contact US
Relationship with non-Muslims
Barnaba’s Gospel, is it authentic?
Having non-Muslim friends from the opposite sex
Entering non-Muslim places of worship
Seeking help from a non-Muslim
Can a husband prevent his wife from receiving her non-Muslim friends?
Taking an unbeliever’s word that the food is halal
Muslim cooking pork for a non-Muslim family/relative
Muslim Participation in the Political Scene in non-Muslim countries
Muslim and Non-Muslim Armies Helping Each Other
Detention of foreigners by resistance groups
Muslims supported and maintained by non-Muslims
Supplying foreign troops fighting in Muslim country
When one’s feelings are hurt by others
Being a translator for foreign troops in an Islamic country: Permissible?
Voting in a majority non-Muslim Country
Muslims and the task of maintaining the status quo
Can oppressed Muslims leave non-muslim countries?
Tips to face the Hijab ban in non-Muslim countries
Conducting farewell party for non-Muslim pilgrims
Being in a country where hijab is not welcomed
Offering prayer in presence of non-Muslims
Marrying a catholic woman
Building a church in Saudi Arabia
Fight ethics between Islam and Zionism
Are Muslims terrorism threat in non-muslim countries?
Working in a non-muslim country
Living in a non-Muslim country
Scholars’ opinion on the phenomenon of the turin shroud
Lack of understanding in multifaith communities, how to overcome differences?
Should muslims emigrate from non-Muslim countries?
Attending Christmas with non-Muslim relatives
Making Du`a’ for non-Muslim relatives
Eating food made by non-Muslims
Marrying a Mennonite Christian
Muslim entering other religions’ places of worship
Travelling to reside in non-Muslim countries
Celebrating Birthdays With non-Muslim Family
Du`aa’ for a Non-Muslim Sick
Selling food to disbelievers during Ramaḍān
Giving Gifts to Non-Muslims on Their Religious Holidays
Hitting a Non-Muslim for Insulting Islam
Juristic View on Attacking Temples and Churches
Making Du`a’ Against Non-Muslims
Voting for a Party That Permits Gay Marriage
Cooperating with Non-Muslims in Fighting Evil
Dealing with people from other faiths
Stealing From Non-Muslims
Is It Lawful to Be a non-Muslim country Government Worker?
Why Should Muslims Vote?
Humiliating non-Muslims when taking Jizyah
Eating Meat in Non-Muslim Countries
Seeking Help from Non-Muslims
Residing Permanently in a Non-Muslim Country for Economic Reasons
Gathering With Non-Muslims For a Baby Shower
Taking Non-Muslims as Allies
Slaughtered Meat Offered to False gods.
Describing Jews As Sons of Pigs and Monkeys
Can a Non-Muslim Use an Islamic Bank?
Inheriting from a Non-Muslim
Should a Non-Muslim Wife Take Ghusl After Menses?
Punishing a Non-Muslim Fornicator
Charity to Non-Muslims
Meat Slaughtered by the People of the Book
Lying When Speaking to Non-Muslims
Placing Flowers at the Grave of a Non-Muslim
Jews Calling `Uzair a Son of God
Non-Muslims Building Their Places of Worship in an Islamic State
Judging Jewish Pair According to the Torah
Giving a Copy of the Arabic Text of the Qur’an to Non-Muslims
Love From an Islamic Perspective
Does the Qur’an Teach Hostility Against Non-Muslims?
Non-Muslims Using the Islamic Greeting
Attending a Christmas Party
Food From Non-Muslims
Marrying a Christian Woman at the Church
Can a Muslim Be Godfather of a Christian Child?
Making Du`a’ for a Non-Muslim
Attending a Non-Muslim’s Church Wedding
Celebrating Christmas with One’s Non-Muslim Family
Can Muslims Celebrate Christmas?
Money Given to Christian Relatives: Is It Counted As Zakah
Preventing a Wife from Visiting Her Non-Muslim Parents
Muslims’ Relations with the People of the Book
Voting in Non-Muslim Countries
Working as a Lawyer in a Non-Muslim Country
Does Islam Forbid Befriending Non-Muslims?
Food Prepared by Non-Muslims
Marrying a Non-Muslim Man
Eating Meat Slaughtered by Non-Muslims
Accepting Gifts from Apostates
Islamic View of Dealing with Hindus
The Position of Mary Magdalene in Islam
Imitation of non-Muslims
Food Cooked by Non-Muslims
Etiquette of Moving to a New House
Does Islam Forbid Befriending Non-Muslims?
Giving Charity to a Non-Muslim
Should the Magians Be Treated as Ahl al-Kitab?
When Some Non-Muslims Raise Anti-Allah Remarks
Destroying Places of Worship in War Times
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