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My Journey to Islam
Understanding Islam
Islamic Teachings
About Muhammad
A Mercy for All
His Life
His Legacy
His Manners
Prophet Hijrah
Hadith & Its Science
Tazkiyah – Purification
Sports in islam
Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj
The Qur’an
Influential Persons
Hajj and Umrah
Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
Purity and Prayer
Charity (Zakah)
Muslim Family Laws and Marriage
Foods and Drinks
Islamic Morals and conducts
Islamic Creed
Holy Quran
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Ethics and Moral conducts
Is Standing in Greet for Others Permissible?
Corn Rows (braiding) for Men
Can Muslims Use Vulgar Language?
Is Face Veil Compulsory for Women?
Applying Hudud in Non-Muslim Communities
Woman’s `Awrah in front of Non-Muslim Women
Commemorating the Prophet’s Birthday
Christmas Greetings and Cards to Non-Muslims
Is Celebrating Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday an Innovation?
How Should Muslims Celebrate the New Hijri Year?
Religious Freedom in the Eyes of Sharia
Weddings During the Month of Muharram
Virtues of the Month of Muharram
Mourning and Wailing on the day of `Ashura’
Perspectives on Celebrating the Prophet’s Birthday and Ashura.
Why Is Incestuous Marriage Forbidden?
Why are the Sacred Months Highly Esteemed?
Lessons From the Hijrah
Is Infection Caused by One Considered a Killing?
Rulings of `Aqeeqah and Its Procedure
Physical Abuse in a matrimonial home
Is a Brother in-Law a Mahram?
Women Wearing Perfume in Islam
Women Looking at Marriageable Men on the TV
Relating with Sinful Muslims
Using Laser to Remove Pubic Hair
Wearing Red or Black Clothes
Wearing Hijab Before Young Nephews
Backbiting: What It Is, and What It Is not
Is Using the Bible as Toilet Paper Acceptable?
Supporting Non-Muslim Relatives
Woman’s `Awrah in Front of Her Son
Breaking Ties of Kinship
Working in a Hotel That Sells Alcohol
The use of Perfume and Intimacy for Whoever Intends to Sacrifice During Adha?
Using Clean Substances for Istinja’
Is Recycling Islamic Books Allowed?
Wearing Trousers Below the Ankle
Ruling on hair dye
Preventing Women from Going out to Mosques
The Spirit and the Benefits of `Eid Celebration.
Can Women Perform `Eid Prayer at Home?
Muslims Celebrating Valentine and Other Days
Number of Takbirs in `Eid Prayer
Sunnah Acts on the Day of Eid Al-Fitr
`Eid Al-Fitr: A Day of Joy and Thanksgiving
`Eid Al-Fitr and the Unity of Muslims
Visiting Graves on the Day of `Eid
Issues Related to the Appearance of a Muslim
Exaggeration in Praising the Prophet
Is Working in Hotels Permissible?
Etiquette of Eating
Formulas for Sending Blessings on the Prophet
Islamic Dealing with People of the Book
Why Muhammad (PBUH) Led Prophets in Al-Israa’?
Kuffar or Infidels
Immigration to a Majority Non-Muslim Country
Prophet’s Marriage to `A’ishah
The Prophet’s Family not Reporting Hadiths?
Men wearing magnetic necklace for treatment
The conflict between the Companions, Justifiable!
Masturbation and Porn Cartoons, Permissible?
Is Setting Qur’anic Verses or Adhan as Ringtones Permissible?
Drinking while standing and eating on the road
An Advice to a Husband
Ruling on a Woman Record Voicemail by Her Voice
The Infallibility of the Prophet
How to Deal with a Female Teacher?
Islamic Ethics for Nurses
Marriage from people of the book
Using Razor to Remove Pubic Hair
A Bus Driver Stops to Perform Prayer
Shortening and Combining Prayer
How Does Islam See Free Intermingling?
Meeting of suitors in a public place
Using the deception to obtain treatment grants from the company
Cyberbullying… A great menace
Smoking cigarettes
A woman’s advice to a foreign man
Attending ceremonies where there is alcohol
A woman dyeing her hair
Wives working in an interest based bank
Ruling on the payment for conveying a drunkard
Seeking forgiveness for sins connected with others
Righteousness to parents
Showing the adornments of the hands for women
Pubic hair removal with laser
Eating from the plantation of others
Women wearing trousers
Women using kohl outside the house
Controlling forbidden mistrust
Atonement for backbiting
Women staying alone in a foreign land
Seclusion among male and female relatives
A woman boarding a vehicle alone without a male relative
Can a female patient undress before male doctors
Stepping down from inheritance
The extravagance that is forbidden on Eid
Parents of a New Convert
Taking a Book or Newspaper to Read in the Toilet, Permissible?
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