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Purity and Prayer
Times of the Five Daily Prayers
Bathing before Going to Friday Prayer
Wiping over a Medicated Bandage
Washing Off Vaginal Secretions: A Must?
Having Doubts Regarding Purification in Salah
Repeat After the Muezzin or Pray Tahiyyat al-Masjid?
Reciting the Qur’an in other languages during Prayer
Going to the Mosque Calmly
Virtues of Praying Two Rak`ahs After Wudu’
Doubting the Number of Prayer Units (Rak`ahs)
Prayer While Wearing Tight Clothes
Is there a Tashahhud After Sujud As-sahw?
Tips to Maintain Concentration in Prayer
Knowingly Praying in an Incorrect Way: Is My Prayer Valid?
Returning a Greeting by Motion During Prayer
Adhan & Iqamah When Praying Individually
Is Performing Witr Obligatory?
Should the Imam of Friday prayer, Cover His Head and Wear Long Clothes?
Virtues of Being in the First Row in Prayer
Virtues of Duha Prayer
Dhikr during the Adhan
Can a Muslim far from mosque skip congregational prayers?
Should Women Wear Socks When Praying
Reciting the Basmallah in the Prayer
Holding Two Friday Prayers in One Mosque
Saying “Amen” After the Imam in Prayer
Siwak: Merits and Rules
Modes of Performing Witr Prayer
Praying in a Shiite Mosque: Permissible?
The Position of the Index Finger in Tashahhud
Forgetting Tashahhud between 2nd and 3rd Rak`ah
Does Talk during Wudu’ Render It Invalid?
Shortening Prayers for a long time While Traveling
Must Men Cover their Heads in Prayer?
What to Say in Qunut
Repeating Prayers with a Congregation
Is Ghusl Necessary after Artificial Insemination?
Reservations to Recite Given Surahs in Prayer?
Does Food Return Invalidate Wudu’?
Performing Wudu’ While Wearing Coverup
Can We Label a Person Who Does not Pray as a Kafir?
Women Offering Prayer with Make-Up
Does Using Waterproof Invalidate Wudu’?
Reciting Al-Fatihah Behind the Imam in Loud Prayers
Prayer Performed Without Ablution
Praying in a Club Dressing Room
The Position of Hands in Prayer
Moving the Forefinger During the Tashahhud
Wudu’ after Swimming
Can Women Lead People in Friday Prayer?
Should we Make Up for the Missed Prayers in Order?
Can Menstruating Women Attend `Eid Prayers and Classes in the Mosque?
Collecting Donations during the Friday Khutbah
Are There 15 Punishments for One Who Neglects Prayer?
Is Basmalah a Qur’anic Verse?
Shortening the Prayer for a Traveling Student.
Ruling on Reciting al-Qunut for Gaza in the Obligatory Prayer
When Does a Ma’mum Follow the Imam in Sujud of Forgetfulness?
The Merits of Friday
Is Recitation of Al-Fatihah behind the Imam Obligatory?
Delaying Maghrib Iqama’ for Some Minutes After the Adhan
Obligatory Prayer with the Nafl Intention and Vice Versa
Performing Obligatory Prayer With the Intent of Nafl Prayer
Is Abortion Blood considered post-natal bleeding?
The Ruling of Dying with Black
Delaying in Following the Imam
Is a Stranger in a Community Exempted from Jumu`ah Prayer Due to Fear of Violence?
Is It Permissible for Non-Muslim to Observe Salat with Muslims?
Can a Menstruating Women Stay in the Mosque?
The garment of a Believer Falling Below the Ankles in Prayer
How to Maintain Concentration in Prayer
What to Do If One Noticed Fluid After Gym Exercises?
Etiquettes for Using The Restroom
Salah: Virtue & Significance
Minimal Number Required for Congregational Prayer
Time for Duha Prayer
How to Raise Hands in Prayer
Praying without a wudu forgetfully
Number of Rak`ahs for Duha Prayer
Medical Ethics of Male Circumcision
What is `Awrah for Men and Women in Salah (Prayer)?
Can an Imam Delay a Prayer for Watching a Soccer Match?
Is Praying in Disliked Times Absolutely Disliked?
Is Facing the Qiblah Required While Praying on the Plane
Determining the Qiblah by Means of the Sun
The Number Required for Friday Prayer
The Importance of Following Sunnah in the Prayer
An Imam Praying Hurriedly
The Use of the Phrase ‘Come to Club Fajr Prayer’
Making Sujud on a Hat in Prayer
Is Abandoning Sunnah Prayers Sinful ?
Making up for Missed Prayers: When and How?
Transformation of Impurity and Its Effect on Juristic Rulings
Wiping over Nail Polish in Wudu
Do I Need to Make Wudu’ after Ghusl ?
Offering Salat in a Chapel
Supplication during the Pause of the Friday Sermon
Modes of Performing Prayers During Journey
Prayer (Salah): Why Silent and Loud Recitation?
Is Having a Lengthy Beard a Prerequisite for Leading Prayer?
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