Muslim scholars say that Salatul-Hajah is recommended act of worship. According to the majority of scholars, it consists of two rak`ahs (prayer units).
Dr. `Ujail Jasim An-Nashami, professor of Shari`ah at the University of Kuwait, states: “All Muslim scholars agree that Salatul-Hajah is recommended act of worship. They base their view on the hadith, which is reported on the authority of `Abdullah Ibn Abi Awfa (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him, said: “If any one among you has any kind of need, be of Allah or of a human being, let him perform wudu’ (ablution) and offer two rak`ahs (prayer units). Then he should praise Allah, invoke His blessings on the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and say the following du`a’ (supplication):
La ilaha illa Allahu-Haleemu lkareem. Subhana Allahi rabi el-`arshil `azeem. Al-Hamdulilahi rabbi il-`Alameen. As’aluka mujibati rahmatika, wa `aza’ima maghfiratika, wal-`ismata min kuli dhanb, wal ghaneemata min kuli birr, was-salamata min kuli ithm. La tada` li dhanban illa ghafartahu, wala hamman illa farajtahu, wala hajatan hiya laka ridan illa qadaytaha ya arhama ar-rahimeen.

(There is no god but Allah, the Ever-Clement, the Most Generous. I celebrate the Glory of Allah, the Lord of the Magnificent Throne. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. I beseech you, seeking that which will draw me closer to Your mercy, and that which will make certain
for me Your Forgiveness. O Allah, grant me protection against any sin, and a share of every virtue. Do not leave me a sin without forgiving it, a worry without relieving me of it, or a need that meets with Your pleasure without providing for it, O Most Merciful Lord.)
As for the number of rak`ahs in this prayer, scholars hold different views. The Malikis, Hanbalis, Ash-Shafi`is – in the famous view – and some Hanafis say that it consists of two rak`ahs. Some other Hanafis say that it consists of four rak`ahs and others say that it is a twelve-rak`ah prayer.”

In his well-known book, Fiqh As-Sunnah, the late Sheikh Sayyed Sabiq states: “Ahmad has – on sound authority – reported from Abu ad-Darda’ that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: ‘He who makes wudu’, and does it properly, then prays two rak`ahs, Allah will grant him whatever he may pray for, sooner or later.’