Indeed, the Qur’an contains stories about what happened to previous nations. Those Qur’anic stories are not based on imagination but are an account of the actual condition in which those people lived. It is a revelation from the All-Knowledgeable, the All-Wise. Allah does not mention something unless it actually occurred, and He states it in the Qur’an. The stories in the Qur’an are taken from actual historical events and have been rendered in an eloquent, beautiful style with the most appropriate choice of Arabic words. Muslims throughout the course of history should draw beneficial lessons from such stories and take them as a guide for our everyday lives.

Dr. Taha Jaber Al-`Alwani, president of the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences and president of the Fiqh Council of North America, states the following: “Some Muslims think it is prohibited to recited surahs 80 and 11 of the Quran respectively, but without doubt, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was the first one to whom these two Surahs (i.e. 80 and 111 of the Qur’an) were revealed. He is also the first one to recite them in prayer, as well as this he is the first one to teach them to the Muslims. Those who put forward such claims do not love the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) more than His Lord or the Prophet’s household or his companions (may Allah be pleased with them all).
Indeed Surat `Abasa (80), and Surat Al-Masad (111) teach the Muslims many beneficial lessons. Surah 111 of the Qur’an inculcates in the hearts of the Muslims that simply being a relative of the Prophet is not a shield for one to escape Allah’s Punishment if one is a disbeliever. Indeed, there are many references to this issue in the Qur’an. For example, Allah, the Almighty says, “And that man has only that for which he makes effort. And that his effort will be seen.” (An-Najm: 39-40)
Surah 80 of the Qur’an contains numerous lessons for Muslim callers, Imams of Mosque, Muslim orators as well as all those who work for the propagation and promotion of Islam in every age and clime. All of them should know that no one knows where good lies, and that is why everyone is required to spread the teachings of Islam among all people equally. There should be no favouritism in giving a special kind of da`wah to kings, leaders, the elite etc…
In conclusion, I can say that all Muslims should recite those two Surahs in the same way they recite the whole Qur’an with the aim of drawing beneficial lessons from them and to brush such claims aside.”