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Purity and Prayer
Different Praying Time in Local Mosques
When to Start Commanding the Children to Pray and Fast?
Having Doubts About Releasing Urine
Tahajjud Prayer in Congregation
Prayer, Tawaf and Continuously Breaking Wind
Menstruating Women Going to the Masjid
Nafl Prayers
Waking Children up For Fajr Prayer
Abiding by the Result of Istikharah
How to Perform Ghusl (Ritual Bath)
Killing Harmful Insects During Prayer
Does Antiperspirant Affects Ghusl?
Inability to Perform Jumu`ah Prayer due to Work
Water Must Reach the Skin During Wudu’
Islam and Hygiene
Using Clean Substances for Istinja’
Breaking the Fast Due to Menstruation
Is a Combination of 3+1 in Tarawih Valid?
Observing Four Rak’ah of Tarawih with One Taslim
Waiting Time Between Azan and Iqamah
Shortening and Combining Prayers
Formulas for Sending Blessings on the Prophet
Alcohol-Based Perfumes
Islamic Ruling on Female Circumcision
Making up for Prayer, How?
Prayer in Congregation for Traveler
Forgot to Do Ghusl, Should I Repeat the Prayer?
Feeling Drops Of Urine: Do I have to Repeat Wudu’?
Building a New Masjid Close to an Existing One
Unable to Use Water, What to Do?
Reading a surah containing a sajdah in the Fajr prayer on the day of Juma’ah (Friday)
Burying in the mosque is not allowed
Use of Rays to Announce Prayer: Permissible?
The imam’s voluntary prayer in the mihrab
Praying whilst wearing sandals
The ruling on individual prayers without an Iqama
Performing missed prayers in congregation
Praying with Shoes On
Woman reading aloud in prayer
Wet Dreams During Menses: What to Do?
Praying in mosques built from forbidden money
Times when prayer is forbidden
Neglectful of Prayer: Kafir
Qasr Is a Charity from Allah
Praying behind a Shiites, Permissible!
Satanic Whisperings
The Intention for Missed Prayer
Auto Wudu’ Machine in the Eyes of Shari`ah
Shortening and Combining Prayer
Will an apostate repay missed prayer or fast?
Should I Repeat Prayer If I Forgot Ghusl?
Khutbah in a Language other than Arabic
On Circumcision
Massaging the body parts during ablution
Wiping over socks during ablution (wudu)
Buying and selling in the Masjid
Abnormal menstrual flow
Ruling on vagina discharge
Does Touching a Dog Nullify Ablution?
A video of a woman teaching Salah
Ruling on breaking the prayer due to the call of one of the parents
Supplicating between the two prostrations
Rulings of the Latecomer in Prayer
Praying in a Mosque surrounded by Graves
Rulings on the Latecomer in Prayer
Shortening Prayer During Travel: Better?
Hastening to Make Up Missed Prayer
Washing Bedclothes after Sex, Obligatory?
Madhiy, It’s Rulings and Characteristics
Urinal Incontinence.. Shari`ah View
Things That Necessitate Ghusl
Prayer in Trousers and Shirts, Permissible!
My Husband Does Not Pray, What to Do?
Menstruating Woman Reading the Qur’an
Grandfather’s Prayer
Breastfeeding and Negligence of Prayer
Does Smoking Nullify Wudu’?
Etiquettes of Istinja’
Cases of Combining Salah
Removing Hair Other than the Beard
Neglecting Jumu`ah Prayer
Forgetting the First Tashahhud
Du`a’ Said During Sujud of Forgetfulness and Tilawah
A Woman Facing Problems In offering Prayer
Du`a Is Desirable during Sujud
Absence from Friday Prayer Due to Sickness
Neglecting Prayer Is a Great Sin
Offering Tarawih during Ramadan in a Hanafi Mosque
The Time for Qunut and Modes of Witr Prayer
Shortening Prayer When Visiting Home Country
Understanding the Recitation of Surahs in Prayer: Insights on the Order and Flexibility
Understanding the Proper Way of Performing Salah for Women: A Guide to Correct Practices
The Rulings of Semen and Masturbation
Shortening and Combining Salah for health workers
Do I Need to Make Wudu’ after Ghusl?
Shortening and Combining Prayer While Fasting
Reading from a book while praying
Prohibition of Making Love during Menses: Why?
Separating the feet in prayer
Is a Non-Praying Muslim a Disbeliever (Kafir)?
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