It is good to mention that when Muslims apply for a job, they have to do their best to avoid those kinds of jobs that contravene their religious practices or beliefs. Unfortunately, many Muslims nowadays sacrifice their religious obligations for the sake of fleeting worldly gains.

With regards to this, Dr. Salah Al-Sawy said:

There is no good in a work that distracts a Muslim from Jumu`ah Prayer. On the authority of Ibn Mas`ud (may Allah be pleased with him), Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said to people who withheld from attending Jumu`ah Prayer: “I was on the verge of commanding a man to lead the people in Prayer; then I would burn down the houses of the men who withhold from attending Jumu`ah [i.e., Jumu`ah Prayer] upon them.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Also, Abu Hurairah and Ibn `Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) narrated that they heard the Messenger of Allah say while he was on his pulpit, “People shall desist from abandoning Jumu`ah Prayers, or Allah will set a seal upon their hearts, and then they will be of those who are unmindful.” (Sahih Muslim)

Moreover, on the authority of the Prophet’s Companion Abu Ja`d Ad-Dameery (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet said, “[For] whoever leaves three Jumu`ahs out of negligence, Allah will seal his heart.” (al-Mu’jam al-Awsat)

Ibn `Abbas (may r) said, “Whoever leaves three consecutive Jumu`ahs has thrown Islam behind his back.

Hence, it is not befitting for a Muslim to take a job that consistently distracts him from performing Jumu`ah Prayer. So, whoever finds himself in this situation should either discuss with the administration so that he is allowed to perform Jumu`ah Prayer, or he  considers this job a temporary one and exerts great effort in searching for a lawful alternative that will enable him performs this obligation. So, when he finds that alternative, he should go for it at the first opportunity.