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Is combining prayers only during traveling?
Reciting the Qur’an in non-arabic language in Tarawih Prayer
Different Pronunciation When Reading Al-Fatihah in Prayer
Silent and Loud Recitations in Prayer
Family financial fund receiving Zakah
Zakah while having a mortgage loan
Performing More than a Prayer With One Ablution
Couples not knowing about ghusl for a long time, do they repeat salah?
When is ghusl compulsory for women having sexual thoughts?
Paying Zakah on Gold Saved for Marriage
Is Zakat al-mal due on savings or income made?
Performing Maghrib Behind Congregational Prayer for `Isha’
Ladies entering the Mosque in a school uniform, permissible?
Women leading other women in cngregational prayers
Using Gloves to Handle Pork
Prayer While on Military Duty
Zakah and Household Support
Do medical injections break fast?
Engaging in lovemaking and discharge of semen during the day of Ramadan
How to Count Zakat Al-Mal
Double Intention in Optional Fast and Prayer
Praying istikhara for marriage
Ihsan: Excellence in All Deeds and Relations
Acts of Worship: Lost Their Power of Influence?
Building mosques under buildings
Worship in Islam: Concept & Fruits
Making false statement during fasting
Hadiths on the Merits of Jihad
Dedicating the reward of actions to the deceased
Raising the Iqamah While One Is Still Offering Sunnah Prayer
Joining Jumu`ah Prayer in the Last Tashahhud
Fasting and Extra Worship on the 15th of Sha`ban
A Few Hairs Uncovered in Prayer by Mistake
Fear of Riya’ in Prayer
Observing Moderation in Worship
Sticking to a Specific Madhhab in `Ibadat?
Going to the Mosque Calmly
Adhan & Iqamah When Praying Individually
Does Reading Surat Yaseen Benefit the Dead?
Should Women Wear Socks When Praying
Holding Two Friday Prayers in One Mosque
Making up for the Missed Prayers on Behalf of the Deceased
Modes of Performing Witr Prayer
Praying in a Shiite Mosque: Permissible?
Forgetting Tashahhud between 2nd and 3rd Rak`ah
Reciting Al-Fatihah Behind the Imam in Loud Prayers
Moving the Forefinger During the Tashahhud
Should we Make Up for the Missed Prayers in Order?
Can Menstruating Women Attend `Eid Prayers and Classes in the Mosque?
Funeral & Obligatory Prayers: Which to Offer First?
Fasting the 9th and 10th of Muharram
Why do Muslims worship more during Ramadan?
Collecting Donations during the Friday Khutbah
Following the Imam through Loudspeakers behind Walls
Is Tajwid a Condition for the Validity of Prayer?
Salah: Virtue & Significance
Minimal Number Required for Congregational Prayer
Can One Who Joined the Prayer Late Lead Another?
How to Raise Hands in Prayer
Third Person Joining Congregational Prayer
Praying without a wudu forgetfully
Number of Rak`ahs for Duha Prayer
Significance of Worship in Islam
Is a Schizophrenic Person Exempted from Performing the Religious Ordinances?
Can Prayer be performed in an Impure Garment?
When Overwhelmed by Satanic Whisperings in Prayer
Types of Intercession
Doubting One’s Ablution
A Wife Pledging Bay`ah to Sufi Sheikhs
Duha and Al-Ishraq Prayers: Any Distinction?
Closing Eyes in Prayer
Combining Salah for a Need not a necessity
Changing Positions after Performing Obligatory Prayers
When Is Individual Prayer Aloud or Silent?
Does Driving to the Mosque Entail the Same Reward as Walking?
Straightening Rows in Jama`ah Prayer
Making Dhikr & Wudu’ in the Toilet
Are Children Rewarded for Good Deeds?
Tahajjud: Virtues and Way of Performance
Reading a surah containing a sajdah in the Fajr prayer on the day of Juma’ah (Friday)
Burying in the mosque is not allowed
Making up the fast by the menstruating woman from previous years
The Benefit of saying bismillah before having intercourse
The imam’s voluntary prayer in the mihrab
Praying whilst wearing sandals
The ruling on individual prayers without an Iqama
Compliance of patients with the doctor’s opinions
Sleeping at Muzdalifah border
Performing Atamatu’ in Hajj and Leaving Mecca
Performing missed prayers in congregation
Woman reading aloud in prayer
Praying in mosques built from forbidden money
Times when prayer is forbidden
Giving charity for the deceased by the heirs
The Intention for Missed Prayer
Will an apostate repay missed prayer or fast?
Should I Repeat Prayer If I Forgot Ghusl?
On Circumcision
When does one stop eating during suhur (pre-dawn meal)?
Meaning of “Kalimat Allah al-Taammaat”
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