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My Journey to Islam
Understanding Islam
Islamic Teachings
About Muhammad
A Mercy for All
His Life
His Legacy
His Manners
Prophet Hijrah
Hadith & Its Science
Tazkiyah – Purification
Sports in islam
Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj
The Qur’an
Influential Persons
Hajj and Umrah
Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
Purity and Prayer
Charity (Zakah)
Muslim Family Laws and Marriage
Foods and Drinks
Islamic Morals and conducts
Islamic Creed
Holy Quran
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Principles and Objectives of Fiqh
Age of Maturity for Boys and Girls
Islam and Nationalism: Are They Compatible?
Sticking to a Specific Madhhab in `Ibadat?
Keeping Dogs: Does Science Supports Shari`ah?
Using Pig Enzyme in Fertilizers
Is There Any Miracle of the Number 19 in the Qur’an?
Should a Scholar Get a Degree in Islamic Studies?
How to Strengthen One’s Memory
Why Surat At-Tawbah Does not Start with the Basmallah
Unique Features of Islam
Fatwa: Significance and Concept
The Concept of History in the Qur’an
Taking Disputes to Non-Muslim Courts
Taqlid: Definition & Categories
The Qur’an: Does It Contain Non-Arabic Words!?
Do Death Agonies Reduce One’s Sin?
Enslavement of POWs
Public Interest (Maslahah)
Can We Label a Person Who Does not Pray as a Kafir?
Makruh: Its Meaning and Concept
Islamic Ruling on Sweepstakes
Islamic Ruling on Adoption
Islam and Intellectual Property
Working in a Factory Producing flavors?
cream of tartar, permissible?
Food Containing Alcoholic Vinegar
What Constitutes Zina
Islamic View of Bullfighting
The Position of Hands in Prayer
Adding a Chemical Substance to Natural Water
When Does Great Hardship Entail Greater Reward?
Suicide by Proxy
The Philosophy Behind Prescribed Penalties in Islam
Combining Prayer to Attend Lectures
Reading or Holding the Qur’an without Wudu’
How Is It Possible that Verses of the Qur’an Could Be Abrogated?
The Spirit in Qur’an and Christianity
Should I Help my Community as a Lady When the Imam is Negligence?
When Husband Insists on Anal Sex with His Wife
Lying down while Reciting the Qur’an
Giving a Copy of the Qur’an to Non-Muslims
What Islam Says About Prisoners
Is Smoking Analogous to Khamr in All Rulings?
The Islamic Ruling on Voting in a Non-Muslim Country
Why Do we Have Different Interpretations in One Religion?
Life on Other Planets
Can a Muslim Work for a Company that Sells Alcohol?
Should a Sunni Muslim Defend His Shiite Country?
About the Abrogated Verse
Great Books on the Sources of Islamic Law
The Use of the Phrase ‘Come to Club Fajr Prayer’
The Virtue of Ya-Seen and Al-Waq`ah
Scientific Discoveries and Knowledge of the Unseen
Al-Ahmadiyyah: Origin and Beliefs
Concept of Ijtihad
Does Islam Encourage Slavery?
Concept of Dar Al-Islam and Dar Al-Harb
Was the Islamic Sharia Derived from Roman Law?
Can a Muslim Woman be a Godmother?
Islam and Boycott
Islam and Privatization
Giving Zakat al-Fitr in Cash and Sending it to Other Countries
Unintentional Killing and Diyyah
Authenticity of Hadith & the Perfection of Islam
Immigration to a Majority Non-Muslim Country
Traveling to Swine-Flu Affected Countries
Tips for Memorizing the Quran
Defending Imam Abu Hanifah and His Approach
Difference of Recitations of the Qur’an
Smoking cigarettes
How to Read the Qur’an?
How to Handle New Female Converts?
Our Attitude Toward Differences Among Scholars
Imposing Outward Guidance and Sunnah Acts: Acceptable?
Difference of Scholars, Why?
Should a Muslim Serve in the US Army?
Accountability for One’s Descendants in a Non-Muslim Country
Abusive Wife and Child
When Should I Teach My Child the Qur’an?
Navigating Identity and Belonging: A Journey of Faith and Personal Growth
Understanding Differences Between Islamic Madhabs on Dolls, Pictures, and Photography
The Serious Responsibility of Giving Fatwa in Islam: Lessons from the Righteous Predecessors
Islamic Legal Ruling on Selling Palestinian Land to Non-Muslims
Importance and Virtues of Surat Yaseen
Why Was Madinah Chosen for the Hijrah? Understanding the Role of Madinah in Early Islam
The Shari’ah Perspective on Coercion and Its Impact on Faith and Actions
The Right of Return: A Legal and Islamic Perspective
Major Sins in Islam
The Islamic Ruling on Jihad and Resistance Against Occupation
Understanding Self-Worth and Patience in the Face of Adversity: A Spiritual Perspective
Ulama’s Fatwas on Muslim Participation in Non-Muslim Military Campaigns
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