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My Journey to Islam
Understanding Islam
Islamic Teachings
About Muhammad
A Mercy for All
His Life
His Legacy
His Manners
Prophet Hijrah
Hadith & Its Science
Tazkiyah – Purification
Sports in islam
Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj
The Qur’an
Influential Persons
Hajj and Umrah
Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
Purity and Prayer
Charity (Zakah)
Muslim Family Laws and Marriage
Foods and Drinks
Islamic Morals and conducts
Islamic Creed
Holy Quran
Contact US
Medical Treatment
Ruling on medicine which contain some amount of alcohol
Plagued with schizophrenia: what to do?
Dispensations based on non-Muslim doctor’s judgment
Working as a male nurse
Female ophthalmic optician touching man’s face
Implanting a graft including pork in the body
Treating an animal with alcohol
Pregnancy check up by a male doctor
Female Examining Male Patients
Ruling on taking blood sample whilst fasting in Ramadan
Islam’s Stance on Female Sterilization
Islam’s Stance on Liposuction
Crowning a Fractured Tooth
Remedies for Eczema
Caesarean Operations
IVF Using Donated Egg
Cosmetics and Medicine Containing Alcohol
Prescribing Medicine Containing Alcohol
Alcohol-Based Medication
Islam’s Stance on Euthanasia
Plastic Surgery for a Crooked Nose
Laser Hair Removal Operation
Using a Husband’s Frozen Sperm
Gene Therapy: Islamic Rules and Regulations
Islam’s Stance on Breast Implant
Male Medics Examining Women
Making Medicine from Frogs
Does Islam Allow “Surrogate Motherhood”?
Islam’s Stance on Acupuncture
Separating Siamese Twins: Islamic Perspective
Taking Black Seeds to Induce Menstruation to Start
Drinking Barium During Ramadan
Islamic View on Vaccinations
Medicine Containing Haram Ingredients
IVF Using Donated Sperm
Aborting a Foetus Resulting from Rape
Virtues of Blood Donation
Embryo Reduction: Islamic View
X-Raying: Break the Fast and Invalidate Ablution?
Using Life Support: Permissible?
Is Euthanasia Allowed in Islam?
A husband requesting breast implant from his wife.
Using Foetuses for Organ Transplantation
Medicine Containing Alcohol as preservative
Aborting a Child Infected with AIDS
Islamic Ruling on Plastic Surgery
Hijamah (Cupping) during the Daytime of Ramadan
Abortion from an Islamic Perspective
Hymen Repair Surgery
Blood Donation to Non-Muslims
A Female medical doctor Treating Male Patients
HIV Test Before Marriage: Necessary?
In Vitro Fertilization: Islamic View
Skin Grafting: Permissible?
Brest Enlargement
Therapeutic Massage by a Female
Is Organ Donation After Death Permissible?
Men wearing magnetic necklace for treatment
Compliance of patients with the doctor’s opinions
Islamic Ethics for Nurses
Giving part of zakat to the ill so they can buy a kidney
Islamic verdict on the use of nutmeg
Can a female patient undress before male doctors
Taking Swine Flue Vaccine, Any Harm!
Buying Hospital Equipment from Zakah, Permissible!
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