First of all, it is to be stressed that Islam has built the marital life on strong foundations of respect, harmony, love, mercy, and cooperation. The Qur’an expresses the nature of the marital relationship in Islam in several verses. One of the most indicative descriptions of this relationship is Allah’s saying, (…they are your garments and ye are their garments.) (Al-Baqarah 2: 187) The word “garment” indicates many meanings such as harmony, warmth, and cover. It is the duty of the husband and wife to see that they are a source of comfort and tranquillity for each other. They should do everything physically, emotionally and spiritually to make each other feel happy and comfortable. They must care for each other and do whatever proves that they share together all moments of pain as well as happiness.

The European Council for Fatwa and Research states that: There is no objection from the Shari`ah point of view to the man attending his wife’s delivery of a baby if he wishes to do so or feels that there is a benefit to be gained, such as reminding his wife of Allah and trying to ease her labor pains. One may also feel that attending his wife’s labor may help demonstrate to him the suffering and pain that she is enduring and may lead to his increased appreciation of her and regard for his mother who endured the same. Indeed, this may prove to be an educational session, the benefits of which could be passed on to the children. In any case, this remains a permissible act that is neither obligatory, preferable, despised nor haram unless material or psychological harm is likely to result. Some may feel uncomfortable with this matter, as the husband sees his wife’s private parts during labor, and as result they may deem it despised (makruh) and may even state some hadiths that forbid this. However, all such hadiths are unsubstantiated. Indeed, there are correct and authentic hadiths that state the absolute opposite, such as the hadith stating that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) bathed along with one of his wives from one bowl. This hadith deems all statements to the opposite incorrect and should resolve all differences in this regard. `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “I used to wash with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) from one bowl. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would playfully fight with me over who would scoop water first and I would respond by saying, ‘Me first, me first.’” She (may Allah be pleased with her) added: “We were both bathing from sexual intercourse.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim). Maymunah, the Mother of Believers (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “I brought forward to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) a bowl of water so that he may bathe after having sexual intercourse. He (peace and blessings be upon him) washed his hands twice or three times, then he scooped out water with his hands and washed his private parts with his left hand He then rubbed his left hand thoroughly against the ground and then made ablution as though for Prayer. He then poured three handfuls of water on his head and finally washed his entire body. He then moved to another position and washed his feet. I then gave him a towel, which he turned away.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)