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My Journey to Islam
Understanding Islam
Islamic Teachings
About Muhammad
A Mercy for All
His Life
His Legacy
His Manners
Prophet Hijrah
Hadith & Its Science
Tazkiyah – Purification
Sports in islam
Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj
The Qur’an
Influential Persons
Hajj and Umrah
Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
Purity and Prayer
Charity (Zakah)
Muslim Family Laws and Marriage
Foods and Drinks
Islamic Morals and conducts
Islamic Creed
Holy Quran
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Trade Transactions
Buying and Selling Shares in the same Day
Relocating Waqf (Endowments) Property to Another Site
Purchasing a Car at a Higher Price with Delayed Payment
Praying in a Mosque Built with Interest Money
Cab Drivers Taking Fares to Haram Places
Selling Alcohol in a Non-Muslim Country
Widow’s Share in Inheritance When Marriage Is Not Consummated
Investing Endowment Money to Help Orphans
Islamic Ruling on Mortgage
Using a Deceased’s Medical Record for Scientific Purposes
Can a Muslim Inherit a Non-Muslim Relative?
Does Inflation Justify Interest in Islam?
Taking a Riba-based Loan in Order to Make Life Easier
Banking During the Prophet’s Time
Any Difference Between Murabaha in Islamic Banks and Conventional Bank Loan?
Are Central Banks Halal?
Life Insurance from the Islamic Viewpoint
Is it Permissible to Work in an Interest-Based Bank?
Islamic Ruling on Working in a Non-Islamic Bank
Incorporeal and Intellectual (Property) Rights
Paying and Collecting Taxes and Customs
Borrowing Money from Banks to Start Business
Types of Riba
Playing Billiards
How does Islam Tackle Inflation?
Islamic View on insurance
The Islamic Ruling on Selling and Breeding Dogs
The Ruling on Profit and loss Accounts
Entertaining Games
Was Banking Known at the Prophet’s Time?
Is Paying Electricity Bills from Riba Money Permissible?
Delaying Hajj for Taking Conventional Mortgage
Is Working in Non-Islamic Banks to Gain Experience Allowed?
Taking Interest-based Finance To Grow a Business
Buying Pirated Software, Permissible?
Building a New Masjid Close to an Existing One
A Bus Driver Stops to Perform Prayer
Confused out of Fear of Haram Jobs
Trading of pig meat (pork)
How to stop saving with conventional banks
Buying and selling in the Masjid
Counseling and the absence of others
Swapping of goods
Swapping of cars with the payment for difference
Building a mosque with usury
Wives working in an interest based bank
Difference between Islamic banks and conventional banks
Leasing a house bought on debit
Ruling on the payment for conveying a drunkard
Borrowing from interest-based bank for lawful project
Consultation and backbiting others
Selling fish that are in the water
Inheritance and Lineage of an illegitimate child
Using Unlawful Wealth to Finance Mosque Renovations
Guidelines of Investment in Companies
Working in Islamic Banks Permissible?
Is Ijarah (Leasing) a Sale of Services?
Disposing of One’s Property During One’s Lifetime
Currencies and Gold Coverage
Gifting Property to Daughters during Lifetime, allowable?
Work in a Non-Muslim Bank
Trading Currency Online
Using Unsecured Software, Permissible?
Necessity Should Not Be Overestimated
Dealing with a Bribee
Determining the Price of Artful Things, Islamic View
Renting space for Alcohol
Receiving Salary via an Interest-Based Bank
Taking Riba Loan for Studying
Interest Is Evil Money
Islamic View on Contracts Via Modern Means of Communication
Life Insurance from an Islamic Perspective
The Unlawfulness of Selling Children Due to Poverty: An Islamic Perspective
Understanding Inheritance, Custody, and Housing Rights for Widows in Islam
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