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Foods, Drinks and Animal Slaughtering
Consumption of vinegar containing alcohol
Lawful and Unlawful Meat
Taking an unbeliever’s word that the food is halal
Healthy foods
Genetically modified food
Eating fish fed on blood
Having a vegetable dish containing bacon mistakenly
Is wine forbidden even if cooked?
Time of Slaughtering the Sacrificial Animal
Pilgrims paying for the sacrificial animal to an institution
Eating food cooked in pig broth
Divorce of the drunk person
Eating horse meat
Combining some foods stuffs together while eating
Is Eating Kosher Products Lawful?
Performing the sacrifice on behalf of a deceased person
Wedding Parties With Alcohol
Eating in Fast Food Restaurants Serving Pork
Food Containing Alcohol
Is the blood in meat forbidden also?
Kosher Food: Permissible?
Animals Slaughtered by Non-Muslims
Animals Slaughtered After Electric Shock
Meat Slaughtered by the People of the Book
Eating Test-tube Chicken
Eating All Parts of Zabiha
Stunning Animals Before Slaughter
Eating Beer Battered Fish
Eating Bird Nest Soup
Using Sperm Oil of Whale in Baking Pans
Eating Food Fried in Pork Oil: Permissible?
Eatable Parts of Zabiha
Eating sea Animals
Kangaroo Meat: Prohibited to Eat?
Eating Rabbit Meat
Traces of Blood in Minced Meat
Does Islam Encourage Kindness to Animals?
Giving non-Muslims from the Sacrificial Animal
Eating Pork: Is It a Sin?
Buying and Keeping Stuffed Animals and Birds
Food Containing E-Number Additives
Eating Shrimps and Lobster
Working in a Place that Sells Pig Meat
Eating Non-Zabiha When Accompanying Non-Muslim Friends
Eating Horses’ Meat
Meat Slaughtered by a Mute Butcher
Working for Food Stores That Sell Alcohol
Do Non-Muslims Eat in Seven Intestines?
Sacrifice Without Slaughtering an Animal
Consumption of Food that Containing Red Wine Vinegar
The Ruling of Using Pork Fat as a Machine Oil
Ruling on the payment for meal served with alcohol
Eating Alligator Meat: Is It Halal (Lawful)?
Birds that Are Not Lawful to Eat
When One is Doubtful of How an Animal is Slaughtered
Islam Encourages Mercifulness to Animals
Animals Slaughtered without Mentioning Allah’s Name
Animals Slaughtered by Machines
Animals Electrocution Before Slaughtering
Sacrificing a Goat on Behalf of Many People
Any Recompence for Failing to Offer Udhiyah?
Eating in Restaurants That Prepare Halal and Haram Food
Consumption of Food that Contains Cardamom or Nutmeg
Eating fseekh and salted fish
Navigating Halal Food Choices When Living in Non-Muslim Countries: A Guide for Muslims Traveling Abroad
What Islam Says on Vegetarianism
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