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Fasting and I’tikaf
Amount of Food Given as Ransom for Not Fasting
Mistakenly Breaking Fast before the Sun Has Set: What to Do?
What Invalidates the Fast
Why the Six Days of Shawwal are Called White Days
Lavish Tables during Ramadan
Significance of I`tikaf
Is Tarawih Mandatory on Women?
Using Kohl & Ear Drops While Fasting
Duties of Muslims in the Last Third of Ramadan
Does Wet Dream Vitiate I`tikaf?
Permissible to Fast the Days of Tashreeq?
Traveling in Ramadan; Should I Shorten Prayer and Break Fast?
Making up for Missed Days of Fasting on behalf of a Deceased
Commencing Ramadan depending on reports of moonsighting from other countries
Does Participation in Sports Legitimize Breaking the Fasting of Ramadan?
Suhur (Pre-Dawn Meal): A Condition for the Fast?
Does Listening to Music or Watching Movies Break the Fast?
Sexual Intercourse During Muharram
Weddings During the Month of Muharram
Virtues of the Month of Muharram
Fasting the 9th & 10th of Muharram: Virtues & Rules
Significance of Fasting the Day of `Ashura’
Do Muslims Imitate the Jews for Fasting `Ashura’?
Refraining From Certain Practices During the Month of Muharram
When to Start Commanding the Children to Pray and Fast?
The Family and the Month of Ramadan
Authenticity of Adornment and Applying Kohl on the Day of `Ashura’
The Reward of a Person who Intended to Fast `Ashura’ After the Dawn
Fasting `Ashura’ With two Intentions
Making Up For Missed Days in Vowed Fasting Due to Menstruation
Making Up For Missed Obligatory Fasts During the Days of Tashreeq
Fasting on the Day of `Arafah
Is Fasting Six Days of Shawwal Discouraged?
Combining Intention in Shawwal Fasting
What is the Date of Eid Al-Adha?
Fast Shawwal Days or Make Up for Missed Fasts?
Fasting on the Prophet’s Birthday
Making Up for the Missed Fast Days in Sha`ban
Breaking the Fast Due to Menstruation
The Spirit and the Benefits of `Eid Celebration.
Number of Takbirs in `Eid Prayer
Making up for Missed Fasting Days in Shawwal
Avoiding Disagreement Over the Commencement of Ramadan
Menses After Breaking Fast Intentionally
Laylatul-Qadr: The Most Virtuous Night
The Satan and Sins in Ramadan
Recommended Acts of Worship in Laylatul-Qadr
Things to Do During the Last Third of Ramadan
How Do Muslims Welcome Ramadan?
Sleeping in Mosques: Is It Permissible?
Women and I`tikaf
Is a Combination of 3+1 in Tarawih Valid?
Observing Four Rak’ah of Tarawih with One Taslim
Itikaf Under the Growing Danger of Swine Flu
Intending to Travel: When to Not Fast?
Fasting During the Month of Dhul-Hijjah
Making up the fast by the menstruating woman from previous years
Will an apostate repay missed prayer or fast?
When does one stop eating during suhur (pre-dawn meal)?
Does masturbation break the Fast?
I’tikaf (seclusion) and seeking knowledge
Forgetting the Number of the Missed Days of Fast?
Fasting on the White Days of Dhul-Hijjah
A Woman Delayed Frequent Missed Fast
Does Taking Medication Invalidate Fasting?
Fasting on Friday if it falls within the Six Days of Shawwal
Are there Restrictions to Fasting the White Days?
Does Secondhand Smoking Invalidate Fasting
Missed Fasts Without a Valid Excuse
Is Women’s I`tikaf at Home Permissible?
The Time to Break Fast on Plane
Tiredness Is Not an Excuse to Avoid Fasting
The Second Adhan of Fajr in Ramadan
Does Acid Reflux Invalidate Fasting?
Anxiety Is Not an Excuse for Avoiding Fast
When should One Avoid Fasting?
Negligence in Making up for Missed Fasts
Kissing Between Spouses During Fasting
A Sunni in Iran: When to Start Fasting?
When Should a Traveler Break Fast?
Should a Muslim Fast When the Day is Very Long?
Fasting When the Daytime is Very Long
Menstruation During Expiatory Fast
Fasting During the Long Days of Summer
Drinking Liquids Only Before Ramadan and Making up for Missed Days of Ramadan
Making up for Missed Fasting
Using Inhaler During Fasting
Is Fasting in Dhul-Hijjah a Bid`ah?
Ramadan’s New Moon and Unity
Women and I’tikaf and Its Duration
Should Fasting the Six Days of Shawwal Be Consecutive?
Days of Muharram: Ethics & Significance
Voluntary Fasting and the Islamic Lunar Calendar
Kissing One’s Spouse while Fasting
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