
Zakah on real estate properties

Assalam u Alaikum!!Presently I am living in my father’s house, as we are a joint family. I am planning to buy a home to live separate.For this purpose I have bought some property (land) for commercial purpose. My intention is sale this land with a good profit & with that money buy a home Insha Allah.For buying this land I used my savings, sold some gold of my wife and took some loan too from friends. Which I am repaying on a monthly basis, it’s a interest free loan, just like you borrow money from your relatives & friends.I am always paying Zakat for the total value of the gold no matter when I purchased it.This land I purchased in month of March 2005 and Final payment was made in month of August 2005.The percentage of investment is like this 40% from my saving 34% from borrowed money & 26% from selling of gold.My question is how much zakat do I have to pay for this land. On total value of the land, OR deducting borrowed money from actual value (means My investment + money from gold which I sold) OR only on my savings, which I used for buying this land.After selling this land with profit Insha Allah, I will buy a home, do I have to pay Zakat then? Or do I have to pay Zakat now or its waived in this case.In any case I will pay zakat for the remaining Gold, which is still with my wife.My second question is when we buy gold from market it is higher than what we get by selling the same gold (when selling we get less than market price). So which value we should consider for calculating Zakat, the buying or the selling one.

Zakah on Wealth

 Assalamu alaikum.i have some questions about zakat on wealth (not zakat alfitr): basically every year on the last day of ramadan, i calculate all the wealth i have (in cash, stocks, and wife's gold holding) and apply the 2.5% to calculate the zakat.however as i live in belgium, i usually send the money to my dad in lebanon and he distributes to needy relatives (not direct parents or descendents of mine). that means the money is actually payed later than the last day of ramadan when i calculate my zakat. recently i found some articles that say zakat shouldn't be delayed and should be payed on the day it reaches the hawl (1 year).so the questions are: 1- can the day zakat is calculated on be different than the day it's paid?. i remember i read somewhere that i have upto 1 year (before next zakat calculation) to pay it. is this correct?2- if this isn't correct, it's very hard for me to do the calculations all in one day and pay the zakat. reason is that i have to wait until stock market closes to get the exact value of my stocks, also i have to find out the value of gold on that day, and then i have to ask my dad to pay the money from his bank account while i transfer this to him.3-if the value of my stocks went below the nisab during the current year, do i still have to pay zakat on it?4- some of my individual stocks were below the nisab this year, do i calculate the zakat on each individual stock which was above the nisab? or this is not allowed and i should calculate the total worth of the stocks and pay zakat on that?Jazakum Allah khayran. Fadi.