Dr. `Abdul-Fattah `Ashoor, Professor of the Exegesis of the Qur’an at Al-Azhar University, states the following: “Kaffarah or compensation for oaths becomes due when the person breaks his oath. Otherwise, the Kaffarah is not due. Also the Kaffarah becomes due when the person swears to do something and he sees later on that it is better to do something else. In such a case, the person should do the thing he wants to do, yet he is still obliged to make Kaffarah for breaking his oath.
As long as the brother here has forgotten the number of times in which he had broken his oaths, then he is required to make each Kaffarah on behalf of every single oath, while striving hard to remember how many times he broke his oath, and then start making Kaffarah. It goes without saying that the Kaffarah is feeding ten needy people or clothing them or fasting three days, if one is unable to feed or clothe the needy ones.
Referring to the aforementioned ruling, Allah Almighty says: “Allah will not take you to task for that which is unintentional in your oaths, but He will take you to task for the oaths which ye swear in earnest. The expiation thereof is the feeding of ten of the needy with the average of that wherewith ye feed your own folk, or the clothing of them, or the liberation of a slave, and for him who findeth not (the wherewithal to do so) then a three day fast. This is the expiation of your oaths when ye have sworn; and keep your oaths. Thus Allah expoundeth unto you His revelations in order that ye may give thanks.” (Al-Ma’dah: 89)
The aforementioned Kaffarah is due as a compensation for every single oath that has been broken.
In conclusion, one are not required to make Kaffarah for oaths that one has broken but he did not remember as Islam is the religion of easiness. Allah Almighty says: “Allah tasketh not a soul beyond its scope…” (Al-Baqarah: 286)”
How Can I Make Kaffarah for Many Oaths?
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