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Purity and Prayer
Devotion in Prayer
Duha Prayer: Times and Number of Rak`ahs
Intention and Concentration in Prayer
Recitation in Prayer: by Heart or by Moving the Lips
Sending Blessings Upon the Prophet in the Tashahhud
Woman’s Prayer While Wearing Makeup
Du`aa’ in Prayer: Ethics and Ruling
Moving the Lips in Prayer
Eating and Drinking After Intercourse Before Ghusl
How to cleanse clothes if touched by dog?
Reading the Qur’an and Visiting Graves in Menstruation
When a worshiper Is exempted from facing the Qiblah
In Prayer: Can one Make Du`aa for Worldly Benefits?
A Drop of Semen with Urine: Is Ghusl necessary?
Combining Zhur and `Asr Prayers in Winter
How to Wipe over Socks in Wudu’
Response to Those Who Claim That Tarawih Is Not a Sunnah
Performing Prayer in a Car
Qiyam Al-Layl: Merits & Significance
Optional Prayer Before Maghrib
Do I Have to Perform Ghusl after Orgasm?
Moving Children from the First Rows during Prayer
Excellence of Proceeding to the Mosque to Perform Prayers
Removing Unwanted Hair from the Body
Merits of Supererogatory Prayers
Purification for Sujud At-Tilawah
When Ablution Is Broken during Prayer
Detested Times for Performing Salah
Does Looking at Women Invalidate Wudu’?
Hands or Knees First When Prostrating?
Offering Prayer while Sitting on a Chair
Not Offering Supererogatory Prayers: Passable?
Can a Non-Muslim Pray with Muslims?
Praying Zuhr and `Asr in Advance Due to Necessity
Covering the Head During Prayers
Reading from Mushaf While Praying
Young Children Passing in Front of Praying Parents
Observing Jama`ah Prayer in the Mosque Must Be Given Due Regard
How to Offer the Prayers When Sick
Sujud At-Tilawah (Recital Prostration)
Performing Prayer in Haste
Refuting the Ismaelites’ Claim on the Number of Obligatory Prayers
How to Pronounce the Iqamah
Prayers: Only Five A Day?
Walking and Talking in front of the Praying Person
Washing Hair while Performing Ghusl
In Wudu’: Can a Woman Wipe over the Headscarf?
Praying Individually behind the Row
Does Diaper Change Nullify Wudu’?
Washing Clothes in Automatic Washing Machines
Rules for Wiping over Socks in Wudu’
Ruling of the One Who Can’t Pray While Standing
When Illness Justifies Taymmum
Benefits of Salah
Using Tissues to Rid Oneself of Impurity
Getting Bad Thoughts During Prayer
Does Internal Check-up Necessitate Ghusl?
Eczema and Ghusl
Tahajjud After Witr Prayer
The Ruling of Bodily Fluids
How Late Can Tahajjud Prayer be performed
Sitting on a Chair While Praying
Reciting Surah After Al-Fatihah in Tahajjud
In Wudu’: Can a Woman Wipe over the Hijab or Headscarf?
How Late Can One Perform `Asr Prayer?
Coming Late to Congregational Prayer
Praying Alone in a Loud Voice
Can I Compensate for Missed Tahajjud?
Where to Place the Hands in Prayer
Salah: Any Physical Benefit?
Offering Prayers in the Ka`bah
Differences between Men and Women in Prayer
Reading from mus’haf while praying
Making Du`a’ and Dhikr during Tarawih
Manner of Performing Ghusl
Missing Prayer for a Long Time: Should I Make Up for It?
Dhikr During the Iqamah
Does a Manic-Depressive Have to Perform Prayers?
At-Tathweeb (Saying “Prayer is Better than Sleep”) in the Morning Adhan
Du`aa’ After Ablution
Making Up for Missed Prayers After `Asr
Prayer Times on the Plane
Male Secretions: Nature and Rules
Performing Qiyam-ul-Layl (Night Vigil) in a Congregation
Should the Traveler Face the Ka`bah When Praying?
How to Clean Impurities on the Ground
Translating the Adhan to Another Language
Correcting Imam in Recitation
Building mosques under buildings
Interfaith Prayer Rooms
Offering Prayer in a State of Janabah Due to Forgetfulness
Suffering from Eczema: Can I Wipe over the Socks?
Prostatic Discharge without Having Any Desire
Using Public Washrooms
Washing Clothes with Impurities in a Washing Machine
Using Toilet Paper to Rid Oneself of Impurity
Urine of a Nursing Baby
Ghusl after Intercourse: Why?
Difference Between Tahajjud and Qiyam Prayers
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