Amongst the pillars of Islam, Prayer is the main pillar of religion. Purification is a prerequisite for the validity of Prayer. Accordingly, one should be careful about the purity of his body, clothes, and the place in which one prays. If one of these three items is not pure, one’s Prayer will be null and void.
The outstanding Muslim scholar, Sheikh ibn Jibreen states that: “If someone touches somebody else’s private parts with lust, then that invalidates his wudu’. However, there is a difference of opinion when such touching is not accompanied with lust. The strongest opinion is that touching the private parts of a baby in order to clean the baby does not nullify wudu’ because such is not a cause of sexual desire. Furthermore, it is something that almost all people have to go through and if it were to nullify wudu’, it would cause great hardship. And, if it did nullify ablution, this would have been well-known among the Companions and those who came afterwards.” For more illustration, we’d cite the following issued by Sheikh M. S. Al-Munajjid, a prominent Saudi Islamic lecturer and author:
“As for changing a baby’s diaper, the act of changing itself, this does not affect the validity of one’s wudu’.
However, if it involves touching something that is impure, i.e., the baby’s urine and stools, this does not affect your wudu’ either, because there is no connection between touching something impure and the validity of one’s wudu’. It has been reported that there is scholarly consensus on this point, as stated in the book Al-Awsat by ibn Al-Mundhir (1/203). All one has to do is to wash his hands to get rid of any impure material.
If it involves touching the child’s private parts, whether the child is a boy or a girl, in the case of a child under the age of two years, the rulings on `awrah (that which is to be covered) do not apply, as the scholars have stated, so if one touches them, this does not affect your wudu’.”
Does Diaper Change Nullify Wudu’?
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