Dr. Sano Koutoub Moustapha, deputy chairman of the International Fiqh Academy and professor of fiqh and its principles at the International Islamic University, Malaysia, states: “In this context, I shall make it clear that entering the Heaven will merely necessitate the firm belief in Lord (Allah), His books, His Prophets, His angels, the Day of Judgment and destiny. This is a requirement for all nations and people who witnessed the revelation and message of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The message of the Prophet Muhammad is meant for all mankind, therefore, for Muslims, one must believe in the Qur’an and accept the Prophet as the last Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
All in all, the verses of the Qur’an are inter-related and must be read together in order to have a better understanding of its meaning and injections!”
Will the people of the book (Ahl Kitab) go to Jannah?
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