Saving life is one of the major objectives of the Islamic Shari`ah. Therefore, a lot of dispensations have been given based on this consideration. In cases of necessity what is prohibited becomes permissible.
Professor `Ali Jumu`ah Muhammad, the Mufti of Egypt, said: Permanent prevention of procreation by inactivating related body organs is unequivocally forbidden since it involves incapacitation of the organs which Allah has rendered as a trust to man who, thus, does not possess them. It also involves interruption of one of the Five Necessities, the preservation of which is the objective of the Shari`ah, namely religion (faith), life, reason, offspring, and property.
Hence, the impermissibility of permanent prevention of procreation, such as by tying the ovaries or the like of other permanent contraception methods is based on this concept, except when necessity dictates it. Such a necessity involves the dangers that threaten a woman’s life or (the healthiness of) one of her organs, or that could result in the transmission of a disease to the fetus. Such are among the necessities that render permissible the (basically) forbidden.