Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, former president of the Islamic Soceity of North America (ISNA), states the following: Indeed, a new convert young non-adult muslims’ situation is very much like the situation of many early Muslims in Makkah. They had to go through a lot of hardship to practice their faith. But, in sha’ Allah, there is a great reward and blessing waiting for such people.
These young people are recommended to still stay with their parents as much as possible. But they should not postpone their shahadah since they have recognized Allah as their Lord and Prophet Muhammad as the Messenger of Allah for you.
They may however say the Shahadah in their heart. Do not tell their parents that they are a Muslim, but practice Islam, in their privacy, as much as they can. If at this time because of young age they are not able to practice some teachings of Islam, in sha’ Allah, such will not incur any sin. Referring to this, Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an, (Allah does not place a burden upon a soul beyond what it can bear…) (Al-Baqarah :286)
Whenever such young person has a chance, they should speak to the parents about the beauty of Islam and its simple and straightforward teachings. However, they should not get into argument with them and do not make them angry.
Young people in this situation especially ‘teenagers’ should be good and gentle to the parents, but avoid as much as possible anything that is forbidden in Islam. At the age of 18 they can declare Islam and then be ready to adjust to the situation.
Ordeals facing a young Muslim convert
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