It is to be stated that Islam is a practical religion. It recognizes the human need to relaxation and enjoyment as well as humans’ need to eating and drinking. Among the means of entertainment, which may comfort the soul, please the heart, and refresh the ear is singing. According to Islam, good songs that do not contain words or concepts that are shameful are permissible and they are actually encouraged. There is no harm in their being accompanied by music, which is not exciting.
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a Senior Lecturer and an Islamic Scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states the following: What is commonly known as Western music is associated with sensuality, lust, and greed, all of which are diseases of the soul, so we cannot approve of listening to music with such an association. But if you’re able to single out and isolate music or songs with noble and pure messages and themes that ennoble the soul and spirit, you may listen to them as an occasional outlet provided that this does not distract you from the remembrance of Allah or performing your obligatory duties.

Muslims living in this part of the world should be creative enough to create music and songs that are totally free from sinful association, by devising halal alternative so that we can dispense with haram altogether. Therefore, we should not have any hesitation in inventing creative arts that are properly Islamic. Finally, music in itself is merely a tool that can be those of good or bad.