Living in the West in peaceful coexistence with non-Muslims requires Muslims to respect the laws of the land. However, under no circumstances should a Muslim call for or support vice or immorality. As Muslims, our role is to be faithful and loyal, working toward presenting the message of Islam in the best way to all peoples of the world.  

Sheikh Mohamed El-Moctar El-Shinqiti, director of the Islamic Center of South Plains, Texas, the US, stated: Homosexuality for instance, is a discourse and the most debated topic in the western countries. And muslims have made very clear statements from the Islamic perspective regarding homosexuality. But what happens is that the discourse is sometimes different because you have to respect the law of the land and speak to people with the language they understand.

The problem happens when Muslims, for example, support a certain candidate or a party that apparently defends the rights of people and their civil liberties but at the same time respects the people’s right to practice homosexuality. So, when we support or vote for a certain party, our stance is always multipurpose. It does not support those wrong actions in any way.
It is reported that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Allah may strengthen this religion [Islam] through a sinful person.” So, our main goal is to support Islam and Muslims’ civil liberties and religious rights, not every goal of a specific party.