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Massaging the body parts during ablution
Wiping over socks during ablution (wudu)
Hastening to take an Oath
Ruling on vagina discharge
Giving part of zakat to the ill so they can buy a kidney
Building a mosque with usury
Does masturbation break the Fast?
Does Touching a Dog Nullify Ablution?
Group supplication for the deceased near the grave
I’tikaf (seclusion) and seeking knowledge
Taking medicine that delays menstruation for completion of Hajj
Using the zakat money for Adha (sacrificial ram)
Conditions of Atamatu’ with Umrah to Hajj
Meeqat of Al Mutamatu’ after visiting Madinah
Slaughtering of sacrificial animals outside makkah
Considering an unpaid debt as zakah
Reading Quran Over the Grave after Burial
Delaying slaughtering of sacrificial animals for Al Mutamatu’
Ruling on breaking the prayer due to the call of one of the parents
Supplicating between the two prostrations
The extravagance that is forbidden on Eid
Shortening Prayer During Travel: Better?
Hastening to Make Up Missed Prayer
Menstruating Woman Reading the Qur’an
Grandfather’s Prayer
Forgetting the Number of the Missed Days of Fast?
Merits of Friday
Du`a Is Desirable during Sujud
Why Is My Prayer not Answered?
Understanding the Recitation of Surahs in Prayer: Insights on the Order and Flexibility
Understanding the Proper Way of Performing Salah for Women: A Guide to Correct Practices
Shortening and Combining Salah for health workers
Congregational Prayer: Is it Mandatory?
How Can a Menstruating Woman Observe Laylatul-Qadr?
Woman Acting as Imam in Prayer
Is It Permissible for a Woman to Perform Hajj Without a Mahram?
Islamic Guidance on Performing `Umrah Amidst Contagious Diseases
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