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Fasting and I’tikaf
Drooling, does it invalidate fasting?
Does inhaling vicks invalidate fast?
Feeding on behalf of old relatives for missed fasts
Ruling on zakat, salah and fasting for others as based on the analogy of hajj
Adultery during the day of Ramadan
Adhan of Which Mosque Should be Followed for Starting and Breaking Fasting?
Prayer and Fasting of a Prisoner
Making Up for Missed Fast Days by A Nursing Mother
The Pregnant woman and Fasting in Ramadan
Making up for the Fast of a Non-Family Dead Muslim
Number of Rak`ah in Tarawih Prayer
Selling food to disbelievers during Ramaḍān
Contraceptive pills and withdrawal method
Engaging in lovemaking and discharge of semen during the day of Ramadan
Women Party on the Night of `Eidul-Fitr
Taking Pills to Stop Menses During Ramadan
Ruling on taking blood sample whilst fasting in Ramadan
When a Fasting Person Should Stop Eating
Do medical injections break fast?
Shortening the prayer and breaking of fast while traveling in Ramadan
Toothpaste and Saliva While Fasting
Does Zakat al-Fitr Vary From Year to Year?
Applying Lip Balm or Vaseline While Fasting
Ear and Nose Picking and the Validity of Fasting
Fasting on Saturday Alone
Oral Medications While Fasting
Repeating the Adhan or Breaking the Fast?
Neglecting Fasting in Ramadan: Any Expiation?
Fasting in the North Pole
Swallowing One’s Spit While Fasting
Tasting Food and Brushing Teeth While Fasting
Will the Fast of a Person Who Doesn’t Pray Be Acceptable?
Donating Blood while Fasting
Does the Emission of Madhi Invalidate the Fast?
Husband and Wife Sleeping in One Bed While Fasting
Hugging One’s Spouse While Fasting
Fasting on Fridays
Breaking the Voluntary Fast
Should We Break Fast during or after the Adhan?
Can a Doctor Delay Breaking His Fast while in Surgery?
Fasting & Epilepsy
Practical Tips in Preparation for Ramadan
Making false statement during fasting
Using Mouthwash while Fasting
Traveling During the Daytime of Ramadan
When to Fast `Arafah and Celebrate `Eid in North America
Fasting: Meaning & Rules
Making Up For the Days of Fasting When One Dies
Can Women Perform I`tikaf in the Mosque?
Women Performing I`tikaf in the Mosque
Using Cell Phone while In I`tikaf
Going into Labour during I`tikaf
Fasting and Applying Lipstick
Can Calamity-Stricken People Be Exempted from Fasting?
Fasting on a Time Limit
Skipping Fasting With or Without Excuse
Continuous Fasting
Taking Medicine While Fasting
What Kind of Fasting Is Pleasing to Allah?
Confusion about the Time of Imsak
Fasting the Last Five Days of Sha`ban
How to Prepare Oneself for Ramadan
Optional or Makeup Fasts in Sha`ban
Rinsing the Mouth & Nose during Fasting
Formulating the Intention of Ramadan’s Fast
I`tikaf in the Last Third of Ramadan
I`tikaf During the Whole Month of Ramadan: Bid`ah?
Tasting Food while Fasting
Are all Mosques Proper for I’tikaf?
How to Keep on Doing Good Deeds after Ramadan
Breaking Some Fast-days of Ramadan without Justification
Making Up for Missed Days of Ramadan After the Passing of Another Ramadan
Does Swallowing Our Own Saliva Invalidate the Fasting?
Tarawih Prayer on the Eve of 30th Sha`ban
Ramadan: The Month of Virtues and Blessings
Why Ramadan is the Month of the Qur’an?
Du`a’ When Breaking the Fast
Making Up for Fasting Days Missed Because of Pregnancy
Why Menstruating Women Do Not Fast?
The 15th Night of Sha`ban: Significance & Celebration
Devils Are Chained in Ramadan: Why Do People Sin?
The Best Way to Prepare for Ramadan
Dedicating the reward of actions to the deceased
Praying and Fasting at High Latitudes
Drinking Barium During Ramadan
Effect of Lying on Fasting
Sha`ban Fasting: Any Specific Days?
Number of Rak`ahs in Tarawih
Fasting in the Second Half of Sha`ban
Ramadan Felicitations: Are They Bid`ah?
Tips to Benefit Optimally from Ramadan
Hugging the Opposite Sex While Fasting: Permissible?
Using Ear and Eye Drops and Nasal Spray While Fasting
Observing Voluntary Fasting
Does Madhi Break the Fast?
Intentionally vomiting while fasting
Applying a Patch on the Arm while Fasting
Do Major Sins Break the Fast?
Can a Diabetic Inject Insulin While Fasting?
Making up for Fast Days Missed without Excuse
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