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Festivals and Occasions
Can women have special celebration on the night of the `Eid
Determining the date of Eid Al-Adha
Having mascot resembling half-camel and half-deer
Celebrating Birthdays With non-Muslim Family
Rulings on eating before eid al fitr and changing of route
Women Party on the Night of `Eidul-Fitr
Preserved Tablet and the 15th of Sha’ban
How Should We Observe Laylat Al-Qadr?
Wedding Parties With Alcohol
Fancy Dress Parties
Celebrating New Year
Attending Birthday Parties
Attending Party Where Pork or Alcohol Is Served
Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj: Incidents & Significance
Mixed Gatherings for Weddings
Exchanging `Eid Cards
Month of Rajab: Names & Merits
Can We Celebrate Hijrah?
Celebrating the Spring Festival ‘Sham an-Naseem’
The Merits of Friday
Introducing the Prophet to Non-Muslims on His Birthday
Significance of Jerusalem to Jews and Christians
Muslims’ Unity in Eid Celebration is Paramount
Commemorating the Prophet’s Birthday
Christmas Greetings and Cards to Non-Muslims
Is Celebrating Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday an Innovation?
How Should Muslims Celebrate the New Hijri Year?
Weddings During the Month of Muharram
Virtues of the Month of Muharram
Mourning and Wailing on the day of `Ashura’
Perspectives on Celebrating the Prophet’s Birthday and Ashura.
Why are the Sacred Months Highly Esteemed?
Lessons From the Hijrah
The use of Perfume and Intimacy for Whoever Intends to Sacrifice During Adha?
Preventing Women from Going out to Mosques
The Spirit and the Benefits of `Eid Celebration.
Can Women Perform `Eid Prayer at Home?
Muslims Celebrating Valentine and Other Days
Number of Takbirs in `Eid Prayer
Sunnah Acts on the Day of Eid Al-Fitr
`Eid Al-Fitr: A Day of Joy and Thanksgiving
`Eid Al-Fitr and the Unity of Muslims
Visiting Graves on the Day of `Eid
On Circumcision
Attending ceremonies where there is alcohol
The extravagance that is forbidden on Eid
`Aqiqah and Udhiyah
`Eid Occurring on Friday
Merits of the Day of Sacrifice
Merits of Friday
Offering `Eid Prayer in the Mosque
Is Fasting in Dhul-Hijjah a Bid`ah?
Specific Worship for 15th of Sha’ban Allowed?
Characteristics of the Month of Rajab
Hadiths About Rajab: Authentic?
Virtue of Fasting in Rajab and Sha`ban
Surat Al-Israa’
Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj: Areas of Focus in the Occasion
How to Celebrate Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj
Is Celebrating Al-Israa’ & Al-Mi`raj Bid`ah?
Giving a Muslim Child a Non-Arabic Name
Utilizing Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj to Serve the Palestinian Cause
Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj: Everlasting Lessons
Fasting the 27th of Rajab?
Was Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj in Body and Soul?
Fasting through Rajab, Sha`ban and Ramadan
`Umrah in Rajab: Settling the Controversy
Islam’s Stance on Celebrating Birthdays
Fasting in Rajab: Recommended?
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