It is important to know that all muslims can seek Allah’s blessings and help through making du`a’ and dhikr, and offering Salatul-Hajah (prayer for a special need). Wearing bracelets with Ayat-ul-Kursi (Al-Baqarah: 255) is not highly recommended for it may lead to abusing the sanctity of the Qur’an, e.g. entering the toilet while wearing it.
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states: “One of the best step a muslim can take to beseech the protection and guidance of Allah is to pray Salatul-Hajah. In other words, offer two rak`ahs of prayer, and beseech Allah for His assistance and blessings, and these Rakahs can be offered anytime.
It is reported that the Prophet’s Companions were always in the habit of praying to Allah even concerning the simple things in their daily lives such as repairing their shoes, or milking their goats, etc. Imam Al-Bukhari, the great scholar of Hadith, tells us that he offered two rak`ahs of prayer and invoked Allah’s help in selecting each of the more than three thousand traditions he had chosen to include in his world renowned work called Sahih al-Bukhari.
As Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim has rightly stated: “Consistency in dhikr will render all difficult tasks easy and smooth.” So simply turn to Allah in dhikr and du`a’. Allah will never abandon those who call upon Him and seek His help. As for wearing a bracelet with the inscription of Ayat-ul-Kursi, I do not think it is highly recommended to do so. We are to treat the Qur’an with utmost respect at all times. When we wear it, there is no guarantee that we will always be able to treat it with due respect.
However, if it is certain that the holy Qur’an wont be treated disrespectfully — by making sure to remove it while in the toilet, etc. — then one may do so without incurring a sin.”
Wearing Bracelet Engraved with Ayat-ul-Kursi
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