It should be know that believing in divine predestination is a fundamental principle in Islamic beliefs. A Muslim has to believe that Allah (Exalted be He) is all-knowing and His knowledge has encompassed everything and that, according to His knowledge, He has written everything in a heavenly Writ. A focal point in this belief is to know that things are related to each other in a cause and effect relationship. To reach a goal or do something one has to take the means leading to it. However, not all means and causes are permissible, even if they may lead to the same goal. The Islamic sharia has set certain limits for a Muslim prescribing permissible means and forbidding illicit ones. Now, satisfying one’s sexual desire, for example, has specific rules in Islam. Marriage is the lawful means for this purpose, while having illicit relations is totally forbidden and is even a grave sin in the sight of Allah.

Unlike marriage, fornication has unmistakably destructive results on both the personal life of its committers and the whole social system of the society. Street children, loss of family warmth and care, unascertained lineages, unfaithful relations, emotional sufferings and cheep abuse of women are only some of its evil consequences.

Generally speaking, one of the effective causes and very helpful means to reach one’s objectives is to implore earnestly to Allah and make sincere du`a to Him. But one should know that answering his du`a in the way he sought is not necessary. Peoples’ wishes cannot change the divine predestination. In an authentic hadith the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) stated that when a Muslim makes du`a, he gains one of three things: either his du`a is answered or something evil is turned away from him instead or he gets a reward in the Hereafter. So, a Muslim is required and even encouraged to make du`a and even importunately pray to Allah having hope in His mercy and grace and believing contently that whatever He has predestined for him will happen to him and whatever he has not predestined will never be. The crux of the issue is that a Muslim is commanded to follow the means prescribed by Islam and to avoid the means forbidden by it.