In Islam, should be based on transparency and frankness. Successful marriage depends on some requirements, amongst which are faithfulness and righteousness.
Dr. Rif`at Fawzi, professor of Shari`ah at Cairo Univ., states:
“Every single person ought to be clear and transparent with their would-be husband/wife. It is our duty to tell them any health complications we may have. And such person in this situation should rely upon Allah Who can grant a righteous partner that consider any health condition one may have. The Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah command Muslims to steer clear of deception. Concealing any disease and not telling a fiancée about it is a form of deception, which is prohibited in Islam”
We are to bear in mind the fact that Islam does not adopt the principle that says: ends justify means. Though marriage is a religious requirement, it does not justify deception.
The eminent Muslim scholar, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Hanooti, member of the North American Fiqh Council, adds: “We ought not to conceal any health complications from a future spouse, because that would be regarded as cheating in case one doesn’t reveal that they have a contagious disease such as herpes.”
Can a potential spouse hide a disease like herpes?
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