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Kalamu Allah: Allah’s Message for Humanity
Using the phrase “Passed Away” for a Martyr
Who are the Jews & Christians to be Rewarded by Allah?
Jews as Depicted in the Qur’an
Is It Bid`ah to Kiss the Qur’an?
Quoting From the Qur’an in Poetry: A Juristic Point of View
Did the Prophet Write Some Qur’anic Verses in His Favor?
Al-Fatihah: The Prayer and the Message
Qur’anic Verses in Flash Films
Donating the Qur’an to a Non-Muslim Library
Explanation of Surat An-Nisaa’ Verse 34
Reciting the Qur’an Silently or aloud
Are There Repetitions in the Qur’an?
Significance of the Allegorical Verses in the Qur’an
Verse 48 of Surat Al-Ma’dah: Meaning and Concept
Qur’an Given to a Friend Who May Not Read It
Reward for Learning Qur’an
Sunnis and Shiites: One Qur’an or Two?
Does the Qur’an Contain Everything?
Saying “Sadaqa Allahu Al-`Azim” after Reciting the Qur’an
Should we Have Different Interpretations When the Qur’an is One?
Is There Any Miracle of the Number 19 in the Qur’an?
Why Surat At-Tawbah Does not Start with the Basmallah
The Concept of History in the Qur’an
Is It Necessary to Cover the `Awrah while Reading the Qur’an?
Why Does Satan Mislead Humans?
The Qur’an: Does It Contain Non-Arabic Words!?
Is Wudu’ Necessary to Listen to Qur’an?
Reading or Holding the Qur’an without Wudu’
How Is It Possible that Verses of the Qur’an Could Be Abrogated?
Had Muslims Lost Some Parts of the Qur’an?
Entering the Toilet with the Qur’an or Things that Contain Names of Allah
Is Tajwid a Condition for the Validity of Prayer?
Virtues of Ayat Al-Kursi
Is Basmalah a Qur’anic Verse?
Is Recitation of Al-Fatihah behind the Imam Obligatory?
Interpretation of Suratu Nnur Ayah 26
Is It necessary to Recite the Qur’an Once a Month?
The Preservation of the Qur’an
Islamic Ruling on Applying Punctuation to the Qur’an
Useful Links on Books of Tafseer
Disjointed Letters in the Qur’an
Is Purification a Condition for Touching and Reading the Glorious Qur’an?
Reading the Qur’an in English
Reciting the Qur’an without Knowing the Rules of Tajwid
Are There Disliked Times for Reciting the Qur’an?
Reciting the Quran or the translation. which is better?
Repetition of Stories in the Qur’an: Any Wisdom?
Does Reciting the Qur’an from Memory Require Ablution?
Understanding “Maghdoobe-alaihim” and the Seal on Hearts: Clearing Confusion
Understanding the Misinterpretation of Qur’anic Verses: Debunking Fabrications
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