The Qur’an, the holy book of Islam, is a source of guidance and wisdom for Muslims around the world. However, there are instances where individuals or groups distort its meaning to fit personal agendas or misconceptions. A recent example involves a claim that the collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) in 2001 was foreseen in a verse from Surah At-Tawbah (9:109). This claim asserts that the number of words from the beginning of the surah to the mentioned verse corresponds to the year of the event, 2001, and that the verse itself refers to the incident. This kind of interpretation has no scientific or scholarly foundation and is an example of misusing the Qur’an for sensationalism.

The Distortion of Qur’anic Meaning

The primary concern with such claims is that they manipulate the Qur’anic text without adhering to the established rules of interpretation (tafsir). According to Islamic tradition, interpreting the Qur’an is not an open practice for anyone to engage in freely. It requires deep knowledge of the Arabic language, Islamic jurisprudence, and the context in which the verses were revealed. Scholars and experts have stressed that attempting to interpret the Qur’an without the proper qualifications can lead to grave errors and misguidance.

One notable warning from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasizes the seriousness of misinterpreting the Qur’an“Whoever dares to interpret the Qur’an without having the scholastic qualifications to do so, let him expect his place in the Hell-Fire.” (Tirmidhi)

The claim that the verse in question (At-Tawbah: 109) is related to the events of 9/11 is a clear example of twisting the Qur’an to serve personal or sensational purposes. The verse itself, when understood in its proper context, refers to a particular historical event involving the hypocrites during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It discusses the construction of the Masjid al-Dirar, a mosque built with the intent to cause division among the Muslim community.

Refuting the Numerical Claims

Another aspect of this fabricated claim is the supposed correlation between the verse’s position in Surah At-Tawbah and the year of the WTC collapse. The assertion that the number of words from the beginning of the surah to this verse adds up to 2001 is not only mathematically incorrect but also misleading. In reality, the number of words from the start of the surah to this verse is 2083, not 2001 as claimed. Additionally, the argument fails to address the fact that the Qur’an is not based on the solar calendar, which the claim uses to make its calculation.

The Importance of Proper Interpretation

Islamic scholars emphasize that interpreting the Qur’an requires rigorous study and adherence to traditional methods. The Sahabah (companions of the Prophet) and the Tabi’un (followers of the companions) were cautious about interpreting the Qur’an, understanding that without the proper context and qualifications, they could easily mislead others.

Imam Al-Qurtubi, in his Tafsir, warned against personal interpretations of the Qur’an, highlighting that the majority of early scholars refrained from doing so out of fear of falling into error. Even revered companions like Abu Bakr (RA) expressed great caution when asked about the interpretation of Qur’anic verses.

The Misuse of Qur’anic Verses

The distortion of verses to justify personal beliefs or current events is not only misleading but also dangerous. In the case of the WTC claim, the fabricator’s interpretation of Jurf Har (a term meaning “crumbling precipice”) as a reference to a street in New York is a blatant misrepresentation. The term is used in the Qur’an to describe a dangerous, unstable situation, which is far removed from the context of the WTC disaster. This kind of manipulation of sacred texts to fit modern-day events undermines the true purpose of the Qur’an, which is to offer timeless guidance.

Conclusion: Upholding the Integrity of the Qur’an

In conclusion, it is crucial to understand that the Qur’an should be interpreted with care and reverence. Distorting its meanings to support personal agendas or current events is both harmful and incorrect. Claims like the one linking the WTC tragedy to a Qur’anic verse should be rejected, as they are based on false interpretations and misleading numerical calculations. Muslims are encouraged to seek knowledge from qualified scholars and to approach the Qur’an with respect and understanding. By doing so, we uphold the integrity of the Qur’an and ensure that its wisdom continues to guide us in the right direction.