It should be clear that one is rewarded for reading or reciting the Qur’an, whether silently or aloud. However, it is recommendable to read the Qur’an quietly if reading aloud may be showing off or distracting others who are praying, acquiring knowledge, or remembering Allah, or if it may annoy one who is sleeping or sick. In cases other than these, reading aloud is better, unless one finds that silent reading increases one’s humility before Allah or helps one contemplate the Qur’anic verses deeply. In silent prayer, one should read

In case of silent prayer, the praying Muslim should make recitation in a way that makes him/her hear himself/herself.

Giving more illustration to this point, the eminent Muslim scholar and renowned Da`iyah, Sheikh `AbdelKhaliqHasan Ash-Shareef, said: “The total silence without recitation is not considered recitation. But we can generally say that in silent Prayers the praying Muslim should make recitation in a way that makes him/her hear himself/herself. So, the criterion in this issue is that there should be a voice that comes out from his or her mouth with the recitation”.