Islam makes all people equal before Allah. The only criteria is fearing Allah as He says, (Lo! The noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware ) (Al-Hujurat 49:13). No privilege is given to anyone because of his or her lineage, ancestors, wealth, etc. Many traditions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) confirm this fact.

Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and an Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, stated: Islam does not teach that one is rendered noble or wretched simply because of blood lineage; the Qur’an is amply clear on establishing the principle that all humans are created from a single male and female, and they are rendered into nations and tribes in order that they may know one another; and (Lo! The noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware) (Al-Hujurat 49:13).

We also learn from the Qur’an that Prophet Ibrahim’s (peace and blessings be upon him) father was a pagan and the fact that he was connected to Prophet Ibrahim (peace and blessings be upon him) did not save him.

Likewise, Prophet Noah’s (peace and blessings be upon him) son chose to disbelieve and thus drowned as a disbeliever, and his noble lineage could not save him. Also, we read in the traditions that no sooner than Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) received the order to declare his mission, than he addressed his own daughter Fatimah saying, “O Fatimah, save yourself from Hell, I cannot save you from the punishment of Allah.” And the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told Mu`adhibnJabal while sending him as a governor and teacher of Islam to Yemen, “Verily, the people closest to me are those who are conscious of Allah, whoever they are, and wherever they are.”

In conclusion, one’s lineage and relationship to Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessings be upon him) would not save a person even as Abu Lahab could not be saved bcause of his disbelief — though being the uncle of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The Prophet’s words are loud and clear, “Whoever is held back by his deeds cannot be advanced by his lineage.”