Pregnant women are best advised to continue to make dhikr, to ask Allah to grant you pious offspring, and to continually seek Allah’s forgiveness. You should also consult a reliable Muslim Doctor while putting your trust on Allah and asking Him to grant you pious offspring and happiness in this worldly life and in the Hereafter.
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and an Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states: “Women who are pregnant can recite the regular waza’if (spiritual du`a’s and dhikr) including Al-Fatihah, ayat Al-Kursi, surat Al-Ikhlas, surat Al-Falaq, and surat An-Nas. You can also read surat Maryam as some scholars have suggested. As well as this, you can always make dhikr by reciting formulas such as subhana Allah, al-hamdu lillah, la ilaha illa Allah, Allahu akbar, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa bi Allah (Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, there is no god but Allah. Allah is the most Great. There is no strength or power except by the will of Allah), etc.
As Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said: Consistency in dhikr renders all difficult tasks easy. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Whoever clings to istighfar (seeking Allah’s forgiveness), Allah will appoint for him/her a way out of all troubles, and will provide for him/her in ways he/she could never foresee in ordinary times!”
So, women in this situation should cling to dhikr and istighfar and Allah will surely make things easy for them.”
Du`a’ to Secure Pregnancy
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