Sheikh M. S. Al-Munajjid, a prominent Saudi Muslim lecturer and author, states that: “Here are the Prophetic acts recommended for welcoming the new-born:
1-Tahneek (putting sweet thing in the mouth of the new-born) and praying for the new-born:
Abu Musa, may Allah be pleased with him, narrates: “A son was born to me, and I took him to the Prophet who named him Ibrahim, did Tahneek for him with a date, invoked Allah to bless him, then he returned him back to me.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.)
We should pray to Allah to bless the new baby and make him or her among the righteous so that raising them as pious servants of Allah will weigh in the balance of one’s good deeds, because Allah’s Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, is quoted as saying: “When the son of Adam dies, all his good deeds come to an end, except for three things: Sadaqah Jaariyah (ongoing charity), beneficial knowledge, and a righteous son who prays for him.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari, 5150; Muslim, 2145).
`A’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, is quoted to have said: “The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him) did `Aqeeqah (welcoming feast) for Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn on the seventh day, and gave them names.” (Narrated by Ibn Hibban, 12/127; Al-Hakim, 4/264. Classed as Saheeh by Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar in Fath Al-Bari, 9/589).
The baby should be given a good name when born.
3-`Aqeeqah and circumcision:
It is reported on the authority of Salman Ibn `Amir, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “For the boy there should be an `Aqeeqah. Slaughter (an animal) for him and remove the harmful thing [i.e. the foreskin] from him.” (Narrated by At-Tirmidhi, 1515; An-Nasa’i, 4214; Abu Dawood, 2839; Ibn Majah, 3164. The Hadith was reckoned as Saheeh (authentic) by Al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him, in Al-Irwa’, 4/396).
It is reported that Samurah Ibn Jundub, may Allah be pleased with him, quotes the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, as saying: “A boy is ransomed by his `Aqeeqah. Sacrifice should be made for him on the seventh day, he should be given a name and his head should be shaved.” (Narrated by At-Tirmidhi, 1522; An-Nasaa’i, 4220 and Abu Dawood, 2838. The Hadith is classed as Saheeh by Al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him, in Al-Irwaa’ 4/385).
Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, states: “among the benefits of `Aqeeqah are:
a-It is a sacrifice by means of which the child is brought close to Allah soon after he comes into this world.
b-It is a ransom for the newborn so that he or she can intercede for his parents.
c-It is a sacrifice by which the newborn is ransomed just as Allah ransomed Isma`eel with the ram. (Tuhfat al-Mawdood, p. 69).”
d-Perhaps another benefit of the `Aqeeqah is the gathering of relatives and friends for the Waleemah (feast).
As for circumcision, it is part of the Sunan Al-Fitrah (practices akin to the true nature of people). It is obligatory in the case of boys because it is connected to matters of purity, which are essential conditions of prayer.
Abu Hurayrah narrates: “Five things are related to the Fitrah: circumcision, shaving the pubic hair, plucking the armpit hair, cutting the nails, and trimming the moustache.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari, 5550; Muslim, 257).
4-Reciting the Adhan into the baby’s right ear:
This is done so that the first thing he hears in this world will be the words of Tawheed. As for Iqamah (commencement-prayer call) into the baby’s left ear, there is no authentic Hadiths to prove it. (See As-Silsilah al-Da`eefah, 1/491).
5-Shaving the baby’s head then anointing it with saffron:
After doing this, it is recommended to give to charity gold or silver equal in weight to the baby’s hair. This does not have to be done by actually weighing the hair; if it is too difficult to do that, it is sufficient to estimate the weight and give paper currency equivalent to the price of that amount of gold or silver.
We pray to Allah to protect us and our children from all evils and to keep them safe and sound in this world and in the Hereafter.”
Welcoming a New-born Baby
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