Divorce is the most hated permissible thing in the sight of Allah. It dissolves families and deprives children the family atmosphere. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The most hateful permissible thing (Al-Halal) in the sight of Allah is divorce.” (Reported by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah).

Spouses should avoid divorce as much as possible. If they have difficulties and problems, they should be patient and forbearing. They have to try to work out their differences and seek help from their relatives, friends or professional counsellors.

The eminent Muslim scholar and renowned Da`iyah, Sheikh `Abdel Khaliq Hasan Ash-Shareef, states: “Once the word divorce is uttered then it is counted as one revocable divorce and touching, kissing and fondling with one’s wife renders her back to the husband’s authority even if they did not have intercourse with each other. The first divorce is counted, and after kissing or fondling, the wife is now back under authority which means that there remains an opportunity for working out differences and trying to overcome them seeking the help of family members or local Muslim scholars.”