Forms of Money: Islamic Perspective
As-salamu `alaykum,What are the allowable forms of money according to the guidance of the Qur'an and the teachings the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him)?Are central banks permissible? If money is allowed to be only in the forms allowed by Almighty Allah and His Messenger, will a central bank be necessary?It is money that determines the types of economies and economic structures a nation and the world may have. We now have the central bank, which loans money to the governments. This is why we are indebted. Every currency in the economy comes either from the governments owing money to the central bank or from private citizens owing money to the neighborhood bank.Money in the system comes either from a printing press or from a computer keyboard. That is why we have inflation: There is too much money in the system, and thus the prices rise because the sellers of merchandise see all the excess money and they increase prices in order that they may have some of it.The fundamental point is that the money is added to what is already there, and it is lent with interest, which leads to the necessity to print or type more money. The Islamic system of money is what I am asking about. And if you would grant me the barakah, what are the nuts and bolts of the Islamic system of money and economics?May Allah confer His mercy upon you! Jazakum Allahukhayran.