Using a weave to cover visible scalp
Dear Scholar(s) Assalamu Alaikum, I am a 29 yr old female with very obvious hair thinning. 2 yrs ago I was getting married but the brother's mother urged him to reconsider due to my problem. Inevitably we did not get married.Putting myself through the same embarrassment and humiliation in considering other brothers has really shattered my self esteem. I have tried every conventional medical and homeopathic treatment available without success. I have always shown patience. However, my experiences have shown that it is not enough that I accept my condition and learn to live with it. It has become an issue for potential suitors. I was wondering if it is at all permissible to use a weave, not to lengthen or beautify my hair but just to cover visible scalp. It is very hard to accept that wanting to look normal and get married like normal girls is considered the same as imitating the non-Muslims or mutilating my self to seek beauty. If embarrassing hair can be removed then can it not be replaced where its absence is embarrassing? I would never rationalise my actions without evidence so I seek your learned advice.