
Narrations About Differences Among Companions

Assalamoalaikum, I was checking out a forum and there was some shia who was throwing dirt on the character of Hazrat Umar(ra) and Hazrat Aisha(ra) using these ahadiths of sahih bukhari:This one of the qu otes on that site:"Now I would like to direct my attention to aysha(ra). She started the civil war against Imam Ali(RA). When she was told that Imam Uthman(RA) was killed, she was delighted, but when she learnt that people had voted for Ali to succed him she became very angry and said, "I wish the sky would collapse on the earth before Ibn Abi Tlib succeds to the caliphate." then she said, "Take me back."al Tabari, Ibn al Athir and other historians who wrote about the events in the year 36 ahFurthermore, when aysha(RA) went to basra, Imam Ali(RA) sent Ammar ibn Yasir and al-Hasan ibn Ali to al-Kufah. On their arrival, they went to the mosque and adressed the congregation, and we heard ammar saying, "aysha had gone to basrah...and by allah she is the wife of your Prophet in this life and life hereafter, but Allah, the Most High, is testing you to know whom you obey: Him or her." Sahih Bukhari, vol 4 p161.Ibn Abbas said: Thursday, and what a Thursday that was! The Messenger's pain became very severe, and he said, "Come here, I will write you a document which will prevent you from straying from the right path." But Umar said that the Prophet was under the spell of the pain, and that they had the Quran which was sufficient being the Book of Allah. Ahl al-Bayt then differed and quarrelled amoungst themselves, some of them agreeing with what the Prophet said, while others supported Umar's view. When the debate became heated and the noise became louder, the Messenger of Allah said to them, "Leave me alone." The people who had started this rift and were successful in their plan to stop the Prophet(saw) from writing down who would succeed him."Thursday! And how tragic that Thursday was!" Then Ibn Abbas cried severely so that his tears flowed to his cheeks. Then he added Prophet said: "Bring me a flat bone or a sheet and an ink so that I could write (o rder to write) a statement that will prevent you people to go astray after me." They said: "Verily the messenger of Allah is talking no sense." "Thursday! And how tragic that Thursday was!" Then Ibn Abbas cried severely so that his tears flowed to his cheeks. Then he added Prophet said: "Bring me a flat bone or a sheet and an ink so that I could write (order to write) a statement that will prevent you people to go astray after me." They said: "Verily the messenger of Allah is talking no sense." Reference: Sahih Muslim, Chapter of "Kitabul-Wasiyyah" in section "Babut-Tarkil-Wasiyyah", 1980 Edition, Arabic version (Saudi Arabia), v3, P1259, Tradition (#1637/21).And many other such claims on these topics.Can you verify or refute these claims made by them?