It should be made clear in the first place that a husband can have sexual intercourse with his wife at night during the month of Ramadan. This ruling is very clear in the Qur’an. Allah says in the Qur’an, [It is made lawful for you to go unto your wives on the night of the fast. They are raiment for you and ye are raiment for them. Allah is aware that ye were deceiving yourselves in this respect and He hath turned in mercy toward you and relieved you. So hold intercourse with them and seek that which Allah hath ordained for you, and eat and drink until the white thread becomes distinct to you from the black thread of the dawn. Then strictly observe the fast till nightfall and touch them not, but be at your devotions in the mosques. These are the limits imposed by Allah, so approach them not. Thus Allah expounds His revelations to mankind that they may ward off (evil)](Al-Baqarah 2:187).
According to the above Qur’anic verse, a husband is allowed to have sexual intercourse with his wife at night during the month of Ramadan; but this is not allowed in case one is observing i`tikaf (spiritual retreat) in the Mosque.
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states the following: There is absolutely nothing wrong for a married couple in engaging in conjugal relations, including sexual intercourse, during the nights of Ramadan so long as they abstain from such activities from arrival of Fajr until sunset. This has been stated explicitly in the Qur’an: [It is made lawful for you to go unto your wives on the night of the fast. They are raiment for you and ye are raiment for them…] (Al-Baqarah 2:187).
Sexual Intercourse During Ramadan
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