Sheikh Sadiq Muhammad Sulaym Imam at the Kuwaiti Ministry of Awqaf (Islamic Endowments) and a member of the Kuwaiti Fatwa Department, states: “If Muslims are in a state of war with the Kuffar (disbelievers) and there is a group of Muslims under attack at any place in the world and they are in need of help from other Muslims, then it becomes obligatory upon all Muslims to help them with whatever they can. This entails help in terms of fighting, financial support, informing people of their situation and even defending their cause by means of writing. Defending oppressed Muslims is an obligation upon the whole Muslim world.
Bearing in mind the changes and advance of means of cooperation nowadays, if we see that such rallies will have effect on the world opinion and damage the reputation of the enemy, then it might be considered sometimes obligatory upon Muslims, according to the amount of need for such rallies as well as the degree of persecution Muslims are suffering.
As we see, Muslims, unfortunately, are currently in a situation that does not pose any deterrence to the enemies of Islam; they are not even worried about them because they do not see Muslims united. So we are supposed to confront the enemy by winning support from other people as much as the need warrants for this course of action.
Those who say that means of Da`wah are not open to Ijtihad or liable to change, we would like to quote for them the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in which he asked Mu`adh ibn Jabal (may Allah be pleased with him) upon the latter’s departure as a judge to Yemen: How would you judge the cases presented to you? Mu`adh told the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) that he would resort to his own Ijtihad in the event he failed to find solutions to the case at hands in the Qur’an or the Sunnah.
If it is allowed to exercise Ijtihad in giving general Islamic rulings, how can’t that be allowed in case of war, about which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “War is deception!” Is it not permissible to lie and deceive the enemy in times of war? Aren’t rallies better than lying and easy to do?
Having said that, I would conclude that it is allowed for Muslims to stage demonstrations to resist the enemy and win the world public opinion to support the Palestinian cause.”
Pro-Palestinian rally from shari`ah perspective
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