Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states: “Wearing hijab (Islamic attire including head covering) is an important religious requirement mandated by the Qur’an. As a Muslimah, your first priority is to please your Creator. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “There is no obedience to anyone in disobedience to Allah.” In other words, you are not bound to obey your boss if he orders you to disobey Allah. In Islam, we are not even allowed to obey our parents if they order us to disobey Allah So you don’t need to apologize for wearing hijab.
Since wearing hijab is a religious requirement in Islam, you are allowed to exercise this right in your workplace. This right has been guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights. Your boss is not allowed to discriminate against you on that ground or force you to take off your hijab. If he does so, he is violating the laws of the land.
As a Muslimah, therefore, you should never compromise your principles. If you cannot handle this issue by yourself, you may do well to get a letter from the Council on American-Islamic Relations Canada (Cair-Can) at (613) 254-9704, Fax (613) 254-9810. It should be enough to bring some sense to the mind of your boss. May Allah grant you success in your struggle. Ameen.”
Not Allowed to Wear Hijab at Work
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