Marriage should be with the sincere intention to meet the objectives of marriage in Islam. One cannot marry while intending to leave the marriage after a while. Every marriage should meet the conditions of valid Islamic marriage. The stated requirements of marriage in Islam are as follow: Full consent of both partners to the marriage, expressing the above consent through ijab (offer) and qabul (acceptance), finally the presence of two reliable witnesses. Apart from the above, in the case of females, their guardian’s consent has been considered essential for the validity of marriage according to the majority of imams and scholars. Imam Abu Hanifah, however, is of the view that a mature woman is fully capable of contracting her own marriage. Thus, in his view, marriages finalized without guardian’s consent shall be considered as valid so long the woman has chosen someone who is considered as compatible. One more condition is that the marriage should be publicized and documented.
Intending to marry for a while
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