Parenting is always a challenge and a responsibility. In Islam, it is much more than that; it means a family, and the family of humanity is truly an extension of our own selves. Children are a trust from God to us, both a test and a blessing, and how parents shoulder this responsibility is an important issue.

The responsibility of raising a child becomes more important and more sensitive when that child happens to be non-Muslim. One feels great sorrow for the severe fate of those innocent children. That is why we should exert all our efforts to save those hearts and pave the way for them to see the light of Islam and enjoy its blessings.

As more and more people enter the fold of Islam, the issue of drawing one’s children (and other family members) to this fold has become an increasingly important. People of all ages convert to Islam and many have children of varied ages that they hope will become Muslim as well.
The task may be somehow grueling or it may require a great deal of patience and wisdom. There should be care strategies and balanced methods. We discuss some of these below with the goal of helping those who are in a similar situation:
1- Remember the Fitrah – It is interesting to note that the younger a child is, the more open he/she seems to be about the message of Islam. This is most likely due to the Fitrah upon which Allah created all humans, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Every infant is born on Fitrah. It is his/her parents who render him Christian, Jew, or Magian.”
Fitrah here refers to the natural inclination to get close to Allah and to submit to His will. A person’s experience and environment may work against this Fitrah ; and that is why grown-up children tend to be more challenging.
2- Teach as You Learn – This means that one should not begin to teach the children directly about Islam at first. Rather, one should talk about it often and share with them some of Islam’s beautiful truth. After this you should give them new information as you have learned it yourself. This can be a very simple and effective strategy if children are willing to listen. Lessons may even be established one day a week so that knowledge is shared on a regular basis. The magnificence of Islam will shine through as its wisdom is absorbed.
3- Read the Qur’an Often – Nothing can touch the hearts of men more than the beauty of the Qur’an. People have embraced Islam upon hearing its words alone. Of course, it is most beneficial to read in Arabic, the language of the Qur’an, but if one is unable, it is acceptable to read in any language. It would be wise, however, also to listen to tapes of the original Arabic so as to enjoy its true eloquence. You may even read the Qur’an to your children each night so that the truth of its message would become apparent.
4- Join the Halaqas (study circles) –This is one area that you could build upon, and something that is very important for maintaining a Muslim identity. You should try to take the children to a Halaqa for some time and make them spend more time at the mosque and with other members of the community. If it is possible, it would be better if you send your children to the Islamic school in the future. Making one’s kids mix with other Muslim children is a wonderful way to bring them into the community and to help them feel some type of connection. They can also learn form these children and get a sense of what Islam is all about in practical terms.
5- Make Du`a’ – This is probably the most important element and sometimes the only thing that can be done in certain circumstances. Sometimes it is best to leave such thing to Allah. Trust Him, and may He answer our prayer.

Once the children have shown inclination towards Islam, teaching and learning will continue and this request efforts to incorporate them into Islamic style of living.

We shouldn’t also neglect the fact that such children are going through several tests, one of these is the challenge of being different from other children. At a time when acceptance and fitting in are so important, it is usually not advantageous to take on an identity so different from one’s peers. The children are often caught between two worlds: the one of Islam and the other of the old life that they know so well.